Chapter 30

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"Wasn't it? Because i'm pretty sure i wanted to piss Towers off while also getting what i needed" My brother smirked "Plus it's pretty hot in here" He took the cloak off and hung it over his shoulder, while that smirk was plastered on his face, while every human in the room was silent "Now, about what i need Towers"


We sat in Tower's office,he looked almost terrified as he kept glancing between us, as Maurice hummed and manic drummed his fingers on the desk or any other surface he could get a hold of

"What exactly is it you need?" Towers asked, watching us

"Firstly I wan't you to cancel your experiments on mobians" Maurice stated, Towers stayed silent for a while

"....Done" he answered "What else?"

"Shadow isn't human property" Maurice stated and I froze

"That can't be done" Towers stated

"And Why not? I mean after all what side of the spectrum does he take over? He doesn't have human DNA does he? He doesn't look human does he? and he's certainly not human, yet he's got mobain DNA, and Alien DNA, he takes the looks of Mobains and if you asked someone from over the border Towers, what do you think they'd say when they saw Shadow and were asked to tell the difference between him and a human, they'd laugh right in your face and call you insane" Maurice smirked as Tower's stayed silent as maurice kept humming "So i'll ask again, Shadow isn't human property is he?"

"No...No he isn't..." Tower's answered through gritted teeth

"Good, now lastly, i believe you have what i need" Maurice stated

"And what might that be?" Towers spat out

"Well it looks like a medallion, it was Queen Aleena's actually, it has a spell that can seal away a god" Manic answered 

"Gods don't exist" Towers stated

"I mean you might have been right once, but you've got two sitting right in front of you Abraham~" Maurice smirked as his eyes flashed bright red and Towers stilled "and let me tell you something, you don't want to deal with one when their pissed and out for revenge, which is why we need that medallion"

"and what makes you think I'll believe you?" Towers snapped 

"Well if you insist~" the smirk on Maurice's face only widened, and it scared even manic who sat beside him, but it was so sudden as the room changed it's scene, and before them was an image of Sonic standing in this very room with a bored expression as he was cuffed to a chair as a human stood before him

"Hey Tony~ Could you know, uncuff me?" His voice sounded so much darker and dangerous than they had ever seen

"No, your kind deserve to be in chains" The human, Tony as the blue hedgehog had spoke, yet Maurice kept his eyes trained on Towers

"And tell me what you mean by that Towers?" Sonic rose a brow, yet his expression stayed blank

"Gods, like you" The human snapped and Abraham couldn't stop looking at his ancestor talking to the hedgehog who now sat in the chair in front of him

"Hmm?You haven't seen the worst of us" A smirk grew on the other's muzzle "You haven't met phantom, or his children, and you most certainly haven't met his brother Obsidian, now those are gods to be reckoned with, to feel threatened by, me? I'm only half a god after all~" and he stood with no struggle as the cuffs fell off of his wrists as he shrugged "So I suggest you re think your next words, and carefully Tony, before you say something you'll regret"

"Your disgusting" Tony spat, Sonic sighed and shook his head

"Kay, I'll see you in the abyss" those were the last words spoken before the room was destroyed and covered in blood and Tony's body laid in pieces on the ground and the blue hedgehog disappeared and slowly the image faded back to the office, where Maurice sat

"Now that's....that's the person I remember...' Manic spoke quietly as everyone in the room was pale faced

To be continued

Thanks for reading

so it's currently 1:35 in the morning and I can't sleep.... So if you have a request for a book to be updated, feel free to comment down below


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