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Scarlett's POV:

"WHAT THE....." I remarked, not believing what I had seen.

A big desk sat in the middle of the room in front of a large glass wall offering a view of the whole city. Couches are arranged on one side of the room. It appears there is also a door, which is the restroom. A man was seated behind the desk facing the opposite direction. The cabin had an amazing interior that left me in awe.

"I'd like you to take a seat, Miss. Cullen."

In response, I sat in one of the chairs as he turned to face me. My breath got hitched in my throat. Could I be imagining this or is it real? It was he who was in the elevator with me a while ago.

 The voice in my head danced as it said, You are going to work for the most handsome CEO in the world.  My heart was happy a tiny bit. "What's making me nervous under his gaze?" My fingers are fidgeting.

"Oh! Do I make you nervous, Miss. Cullen?" he smirked.

OH MY GOD Have I really said that loudly???

Chuckling, he said "Yes."

"I...I  a..m  s..o  so..rr.r.yy  ss..i..r," I stuttered, mentally slapping myself for stuttering in front of him. My situation just made him laugh. Oh God...his's amazing.

"You have a very impressive resume. I went through it to see what you are capable of," he said.

"Uh.., Yo..u" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Don't be nervous. I don't bite. Let your mind relax" he said smiling.

The warmth of his smile soothes me and made me feel at ease.

"Good, You start at 9 every morning. It is your responsibility to set the coffee on my table by ( every morning. I would like black coffee with cream. You will attend every meeting with me and take notes that I can't be bothered to remember. And when I say every meeting, I mean EVERY meeting including abroad and weekend meetings. Your work hours start from 9 am-5 pm Monday - Friday. If anything comes up and you are needed then you should stay late even after 5. And I suggest don't ever be late Miss. Cullen, I don't tolerate not being punctual," he finished. Despite being nice, he is tough at work. The fact that he runs the most successful company at such a young age appears to be a reflection of this characteristic.

"Ok, sir."

 "Miss. Adams will lead you to your office"

"Yes, sir"

The only thing I did was nod and quietly close the door behind me. I was amazed when Betty led me to my cabin. Although it's not as big as Ashton's office, the color scheme is white and chocolate, and it has a desk, a couch, and a shelf next to a glass wall. 

The minute Betty left my office, I set my bag aside and started dancing, I had no idea I would get such an amazing job. The money I'm making allows me to live a decent life, and I got a great boss who is friendly as well. The occasion deserves a celebration. Ashton stood at the door with a stack of papers in his hand just as I was about to pick up my phone. Oh my god, has he been standing there for a long time? Is he aware that I'm dancing?

"How long have you been standing there Mr. Miller?" I asked straightening my posture.

"Long enough," he said obviously amused. My cheeks turned red as I bit my bottom lip in immediate embarrassment.

"He'd seen you dancing like that. You'd certainly be seen as someone who is mentally unstable by him" my inner voice laughed at me. 


"I..I wa..s" I rambled unable to complete the sentence. Laughing at my discomfort, he shook his head "Fine, I want these filed and retyped as soon as possible" he said and gave them to me as I nodded. "I will get on it right away Mr. Miller," I said and all he did was nod his head and left to his office.

After that, I dialed Ami's number, "Hey, Scar. Is it going well for you on your first day? How's your boss?"

"As of now, all is well. We should celebrate my first day together. Can we go out today? Like, to a club? Me, you, and Ethan?" I asked.

"Ok, then. I'll call him" She said hanging up.

After a few hours, it was finally time for lunch. Thank god I'm so hungry.

"Yeah!! If you go on eating like that you will surely become plus-sized" my inner voice snapped at me. Food is life, I would consider food over everything.

"If you eat like that your body will be like Jessica Rabbit proportions" my inner voice snapped at me again. I would consider it a compliment I thought as I ignored it and grabbed my purse going out of my office. My next step was to tell Ashton that I would be grabbing lunch. I knocked on the door and he said "Get in" in a frustrated tone.

"Mr. Miller, I'm going to grab lunch", I said sweetly not wanting to irritate him. As soon as he saw me his face softened a bit  "Oh, Miss. Cullen, Can you grab me lunch as well?" he said handing me his card. "I don't mind anything." 

Taking the card, I went down to the corner cafe and ordered 2 roast beef sandwiches. After taking my order, I returned to the office.

I went to Ashton and gave him the sandwich as well as his card and went back to my cabin. As soon as I gave Ashton the sandwich and his card, I went back to my cabin. After a good two and half hours, I was done with the work Ashton gave me.

"Mr. Miller, I have completed the task," I said handing him the file. He looked amused.

"It took you less time than I expected, Miss. Cullen," he said smiling. "And you are done for the day. You can leave if you want" he said.

"Can I?"

"Yes, you can. See you tomorrow Miss. Cullen."

 Why does he treat me so nicely? Does he act this way with all of his assistants or is it just me? The thought of him being this nice to his every assistant makes me a bit jealous.

"Thank you, Mr. Miller". Once I had picked up my bag, I left for my apartment.


Phewww......Second Chapter🤗🤗

Hope you all like it. 😘😘

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