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Scarlett's POV:


It's Marco.

Oh my god!! What's Arianna doing with Marco?

"Idiot, you're clearly seeing what's Arianna doing with Marco".

Yeah, but does Ashton know about this? If he doesn't then Marco is in huge trouble. What do I do? What do I do? I thought as I paced back and forth.

"Huh, what'll you do? It's not your business stupid Scarlett, Arianna will take care of that. Now move your stupid ass out of here before Ashton comes here looking for you".

Uhh, okay.

I thought Marco would've had a girlfriend. He's so charming and a total gentleman.

"Are you mad? You just saw him with Arianna and now you are thinking that he doesn't have a girlfriend?"

Shut up!!!

I reached the table and sat beside Ashton.

"Are you okay kitten? What took you so long?" Ashton asked worriedly.

"Uh...I'm f..ine Ashton," I scolded myself for stuttering.

"Are you sure Scar?"

"Yeah. Nothing to worry about," I assured him as his face calmed. "So what are we having?"

"Ham & cheese grilled sandwich and some chicken Parmesan pasta," he said smiling cause he knew that I can't resist both. My tummy made a loud noise signaling that it was hungry as Ashton burst out laughing. I hid my face in my palms embarrassed.

"You are a hungry predator. Stupid, why do you embarrass me every time? I am going away. I don't want to be with you anymore".

What can I do? I'm hungry.

Yeah!! You are hungry 24/7. Ashton will have to put all of his money into feeding you if you eat like this.

Just shut up. I don't eat that much.

Yeah, and salt is not salty that much.

Ashton interrupted the debate going on between me and my inner voice, "Don't be embarrassed kitten. I know you are hungry."

Ashton's POV:

She is so adorable. I was about to kiss her just then our food arrived.

"Just stop kissing her, Idiot. You would've kissed her a million times by now. I'm sure you'll scare her away".

Why do you blame me? I couldn't control myself around her. It's her fault that she's so cute.

"But please don't scare her away, okay? I love her".

Shut up. She's mine, ok? And only mine, not yours.

"Ok, she's all yours. Now don't scare me".

We ate the food heartily but more than that I love seeing her enjoy her food. I love the way she eats. Most of the girls I met don't eat proper food and starve themselves to be slim or whatever but she enjoys her food very much. That's one more quality that makes her very different from any other woman and I love that about her.

"I'll just come kitten wait here," I said as she nodded. I paid the check and went to the washroom and on my way to Scarlett, someone bumped into me.

Who the hell is that? I thought as I made eye contact with the person.

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