Chapter 1: Christoper who?

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EDITED! But please tell me if you see any mispelled word or stuff. Just a beginner!

"Yes! Just in time!" I exclaimed as I transformed back to the average girl-next-door Marinette.

It was 9:35 in the evening. I, once again, saved Paris from one of Hawkmoth's villains. As I transform back, I wonder when will I, together with Chat Noir, ever stop Hawkmoth's evil schemes and hand out his miraculous.

"That was really close over there, Marinette," Tikki said as I was done with my transformation. "But good thing we returned home."

I smiled and said "mhm! Oh and here's your food, Tikki. Help yourself," as I handed out the food to her.

She took it and gobbled it.

"I should probably get some rest. After all, we have a quiz tomorrow," I exclaimed to Tikki.
"Of course. Goodnight, Marinette," Tikki said sleepily.



I am now walking with my friend Alya on the way to school. As we walk, we gossiped on and on about Ladybug and other superheroes.

"OMG! Look how much views I have in this video!" Alya buzzed on and on about her Lady blog.

"You really are a fan of Ladybug, aren't you?" I asked.

"Well DUH! I mean, she saves Paris a lot and is really friendly. She's even friends with other superheroes!" Alya said.

I couldn't help but smile. I'm glad that I met Alya. She really is a warm-hearted girl. Every time she talks about Ladybug, the more I wanted her to know her identity.

"Anyways," she continued, "I am totally going to that free interview of her and Chat Noir later after school.

"Right," I lauged.

I felt a tap at my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. It appeared to be Nino.

"Hey, dudes!" he greeted. "Have you heard? A new transferee is coming!"

"Ooh, who is he?" I asked.

"Not sure of the name though," he said as he chuckled.

"Is that him?" Alya asked while pointing at someone. It appears what she was pointing to was a boy surrounded by a huge crowd.

Together with Alya and Nino, we dashed to the crowd to get a closer look at him. As we arrived at the huge crowd in the schoolyard, I noticed that the boy was... good looking? He had fair skin with black hair and bluebell eyes. He wore an ordinary red shirt covered by a black jacket together with denim pants and school shoes.

"Wow!" Nino exclaimed. "He's kind of... hot I guess?"

The guy just smiled and waved at the crowd. But when he noticed me, his smile turned into a... wicked grin? He locked his eyes on me as went towards me.

"So you're the garbage that Chloe was talking about?" The guy said.

I was speechless. What the heck? How did this guy become a princely type to a brat? For a minute I thought he was nice! How dare he! I just want to slap his face off right now! But, since I'm not that type of person, I didn't.

The crowd turned dead silent.

"Long time no see, Christoper," I heard a voice at the back of the crowd. The man showed himself. It was... Adrien?

"So his name is Christoper?" Alya asked. "In what relation does he have with Adrien?"

"Heh," Christoper chuckled as he puts his hand in the pocket of his jacket. "You're lucky Chloe is so fund of you."

"Just don't mess any dirt here. Especially on Marinette," Adrien ordered.

I just stayed quiet with confusion. W-why is he defending me? This isn't him! I couldn't help but blush. But for sure they know each other. But exactly what is their relationship? And what does this boy think of Chloe?

"Chris!" I heard a voice at the back of the crowd. Then again I knew the voice too well.

Chloe pushed her way into the middle of the crowd. When she realized that I was there too, she exclaimed "you! How dare you make a fight with my Chris! Just run along and mind your own business!"

I couldn't take this confusion any longer. I directly told what was in my mind. "And here's the little miss assuming. YOUR Chris was the one who started all this."

"Lies!" Chloe shouted. She then grabbed Christoper's arm and said "let's go, Chris! I can't stand these pathetic people!" as she exited out of the crowd.

People were starting to exit the crowd too, speechless. I just stood there with my mind with confusion. What the heck just happened?

Just I was about to doze off, I felt a tap at my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Adrien.

I could feel my heart pounding twice the normality. "Sorry about what happened there," Adrien apologized.

"Wh- what? Oh, no need to apologize. I could tell you were defending me. I appreciated it a lot," I said as I gave him a warm grin.

"Always so kind and tender," Adrien said. "Though it's probably best to tell you who he is since your mind is probably at the state of confusion. Pfft ahahaha!"

I just stood there, not exactly sure what to do next.

"Let's start at the beginning. His name is Christoper. He was raised in luxury with the help of the Bourgeois family. He lost his parents when he was still little. He wasn't like this before actually. But then something, at one cold night, when we were young, something happened that made him like what he is. I don't know what that something is yet. Of course, you have the right to hate him. Just know he wasn't like this before."

I felt speechless. I didn't exactly know what to say. So instead, I just slowly nodded.

"Hehe," he chuckled. "Probably best to move on now. We probably might be late for class."



The class has already ended. It's now time for that interview me and Cat Noir promised. I went to the corner of a dark street and transformed.

"Tikki spots on!" I called as I transformed into Ladybug.

"Let's get going Tikki!" I exclaimed, filled with energy when I was done with my transformation.

"So you're Ladybug, huh?" I heard a voice at my back.

Oh no.

Please don't freaking tell me it's him. It couldn't be, could it? And of all people, it couldn't be that guy? Tell me I'm dreaming. Tell me I'm still at my bed dreaming of Adrien and me at our wedding. No no no no no crap.

I turned around to meet my doom. It was none other than Christoper, leaning at the side of a building while eating a lollipop.

"Hello," he greeted and gave me a wicked grin.

My whole nightmare started here.

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