Chapter 2

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I stood there unable what to do with the current situation.

Someone knows who Ladybug is. This is a REALLY big situation. And to make things worse, this guy is the one who knows it!

He went forward to me and said "Chloe's gonna flip out when I tell her all about this."

"No!" I immediately screamed.
"You can't tell a thing about anyone!"

He fidgeted with his lollipop stick. "Heh. Things are going to get different now, Mari. Don't expect EVERYTHING to come YOUR way."

"But wait! You need proof! Ha!" I let out a mischevious laugh.

That's when he showed a video on his cell phone. It was me transforming.

I stood there, drop dead and silent. This is it. This is how it's all going to end. Even though I'd explain my identity is for his good I know he won't listen.

"Who knows? You might also be talking to Cat Noir, you know," he said.

"I know Cat Noir won't do something like this."

We just stood there for a minute or so.

"Now if you excuse me I need to get going. People are waiting," I said.

"Wow! Smart for once," he said sarcastically.

I dashed out of there not knowing to either be sad or angry. I hated myself for being so gullible. But the bigger problem is that he's going to tell everything to Chloe. And then everything's going to start getting complicated.

I reached the place we were going to have that interview, the park. I could already see Cat Noir being interviewed by the news.

As I get closer through the crowd, Cat Noir saw me and called "M'lady! You're here!"

"Hello Kitty," I replied. I figured not to tell him what happened because I promised that he was gonna be the first person to ever know my identity.

"Aahh there she is," a woman approached. She spoke "many folks have now been wondering. Does anyone even know your identity?"

Oh no. I was being asked THIS question. I wanted to scream to them and say "YES BUT NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO KNOW OKAY? WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING ME THIS?!"

"Of course not," Cat Noir interrupted. "M'lady won't even tell me her identity. But I'll be the first, right, m'lady?" he then glanced at me.

"I-I uh," I stuttered. I glanced at the crowd looking for answers.

But then I saw him, Christoper listening to what I was saying very carefully. I didn't want him to win.

"Of course," I lied.

I lied. I wanted to take those words back, but I couldn't let Chris win. But still, I lied.

We were interviewed more. After the interview, I had a conversation with Cat Noir. We sat on a bench and talked.

At one point he asked me "Is anything wrong, M'lady? It seems you're not yourself much today." he asked.

"Oh silly kitty," I smiled. "Everything's fine. It's all in your head."

"You sure, m'lady?"



The day passes and now I am back in school. The time has come for me to hand down my miraculous. Because this day, this day is when EVERYONE will know my secret.

"Don't worry, Marinette. I have a feeling he won't have the guts to tell anything to Chloe," Tikki whispered from my bag.

"Oh, I hope your right. But possibly there's no freaking way that it would happen," I said with a gloomy face.

"But who knows? Maybe at the last minute, he would change his mind?"

"Oh, Tikki. I just don't know."

I hear the bell ring. I went to class and braced myself. Surprisingly, by the time I arrived at class, nothing unusual was there. It was just an ordinary school day.

"Hey, Mari? What's up?" Alya called me from her seat. "Chloe's absent today! OMG, this is good news! People get to rest from her bossiness for at least a day!"

"What? Really?" I was grinning from ear to ear. Maybe there was some hope after all. Maybe there is time to stop all this.

"Yeah, girl!"

As I sat down to my seat to think of ways for Christoper not to tell Chloe, I felt a tap at my shoulder.

I turned around to see it was Christoper. What the heck does he want this time?

"You win this time, Ladybug. But you can't keep your secret for long," he whispered then went to his seat.

"What's up with him?" Alya asked.

"N-nothing," I stuttered.

The door opened and I could see ms. Bustier walking to the classroom. She then went to her desk and arranged some papers.

"Now settle down, class. Today you guys are gonna have a group project. Boy and girl. You two are going to be creative and start doing an invention with hydrogen included in it. Essay included."

"Sounds cool," Alya mentioned.

"Yes. now let's begin. Lahiffe with Césair."

"Alright, dude!" Nino exclaimed.

"Sabrina with Chloé."

"Unsurprising," Sabrina boasted.

As ms. Bustier calls out each other's name one by one I waited until he mentioned Adrien's.


I looked at him praying for me to be his partner. This is the last thing I'll ever need right now.

"You're with Dupain-Cheng."

YES! OMG OMG OMG YES! THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE! I finally have a chance to show Adrien that I'm not just common! YES YES YES YES YES!

"Congrats, girl," Alya cheered as she winked at me.

"Can't wait to work with you, Marinette!" I could here Adrien said that.

"Ehehe you too!" I said back to Adrien while waving at him.

"Unfortunately you're with someone else since the number of students here is an odd number," ms. Bustier explained.

OH NO NO NO NO NO! Can't I just be alone with Adrien for this one?! I mean come on! This was supposed to be my chance! Uuggghhhh!

"You are assigned with Bourgeois."



Isn't Chloe already with Sabrina? I asked my teacher what was going on but unfortunately, I was interrupted.

"Ugh, teacher why? Can't I just be assigned with someone else other than those jerks?" Christoper whined.

"We don't need someone interrupting this conversation," I calmly said to Christoper.

"OMG, I feel so sorry for your parents, Marinette, because their daughter is so empty-headed. I'm Christoper Bourgeois, the adopted-twin brother of Chloe. I live with my mom in New York!"

"What? You're joking, aren't you?" I said. I was so shocked right now. OMG Chloe had a sibling?! But it kind of made sense because she's close to him. And plus they're both brats.

"Ugh, all of you are ridiculous. UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!" Christoper yelled.


Hi guys! I'll be posting this every Friday, so stay tuned!

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