Chapter 9: The Heartbrakers

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Lmfao f'ck the schedules imma just post random. UNEDITED CHAPTER! I think improvement is here? Or maybe next chapter? I don't pay attention

Adrien's POV

No it possibly can't be... but still, Ladybug transforming meant that there must be trouble. I exclaimed, "Plagg, claws out!" and transformed into Cat Noir.

Before going out to fight, I suddenly remembered something: my lucky charm.
I rushed up to my bedroom before going out and grabbed it.  Maybe this is one way to repay Marinette.

Marinette's POV

"Well.... what's the trouble this time?" I asked myself as I dashed to see who was the akumatized villain this time.

As I searched the place, I saw a boy all in blue floating. Blue skin, blue eyes, blue hair, everything blue... but nothing for his weapon?

"Well Bugaboo," I heard a voice coming from my back. I turned around to see it was Cat Noir, swinging his "tail" and a smirk on his face.. "It's been a lo-"

"Will you just shut up with the nicknames?" I practically screamed at him, furious. "There are better things than nicknames and play time, you know?"

I wasn't surprise to see Cat Noir puzzled, looking confused and lost.

"Let's just get this over with. Things have been terrible today and I just want to end it," I said, annoyed.

"Well well well," I heard a voice coming from my back. I turned around to see it was the blue guy, shooting daggers at me through his eyes. "Looks like mischief is already happening right here," he said.

"Stalker, much?" I said sarcastically, not in the mood to talk right now.

"Ugh whatever," the blue guy said, rolling his eyes at me. "It's pretty clear that there isn't enough mischief happening. Say bye bye little pesk." 

After which, I noticed his eyes turned all black, gloomy and soulless. I felt like nothing existed, as if I was numb, as if I didn't exist. All I could do was stare at those eyes...

I suddenly felt like I couldn't move at all. As if I were turning into stone. I tried to moved but then I can't. What is happening? I just can't remove my eyes from his, it's not worth it.

The connection between us quickly broke when Cat Noir hitted the blue guy with his baton. He then flew away to dodge it, and I was back to my own senses in the blink of an eye. I looked down and saw... my body turning into stone. But then... it's fading? So this is what the guy's power was! He's kind of like the male version of Medusa! And since he turned me into stone, he must be having some contact lenses!

"Ha! Don't steal my Bugaboo away from me, you blue Medusa!" I heard Cat Noir yelled that.

"It's Heart, you cat!"

???!!! Heart? That's... an unusual name...

"H-H-Heart? Pfffttttt BWAHAHAHA!!!!" I saw Cat Noir rolling in the floor, laughing with tears of joy.

"How dare you judge a book by it's covers!"

"Let's get this over with," I whispered to myself. "Lucky charm!" I yelled as... a mirror fell from the sky? "What to do with this?" I asked myself. I used my ladybug vision and found why a glass of shade was my lucky charm. 

While they were having a fight, with Heart getting distracted, I sneaked behing his back and, using my yoyo, I wrapped him up so he wouldn't move. When he realized what was happening, he struggled to break free but then failed. "Let go of me, you pesky bug!" he yelled.
Dissapointed that Cat Noir was still laughing, I called him by yelling "CAT NOIR! SNAP OUT OF IT! GET UP!" Mirror still on my hand, I tossed it to Cat Noir and said "let him look at his reflection! He'll turn into stone!"

Realizing what was happening, he got up and, grabbing the mirror, did what I told him to.
Unfortunately, it didn't work? What? Why? 

Heart then made a wicked laugh and managed to free himself. He then pushed me and Cat Noir away. We then fell on the roof, pained and injured.

"You seriously think you can beat me?" Heart said sarcasically. "Ugh this isn't what Breaker and I decided to do. So long, losers! Got to look for Marinette!" he smirked as he disappeared into thin air.

A ton of questions went through my head the moment he left. Who is he? Who is Breaker? Why is he finding my other half? Ugh this is all so  confusing! Why can't this day get any better!
I heard a big moan coming from below. I looked to see it was and gasped in horror. I saw people's body, turned into stone as if they were statues in the first place. I then saw another crowd, with their eyes black as if they were hypnotized. Confusion went through my head all over again. I cursed myself for letting this  happen. It's all my fault for not getting over with what happened.

I then saw Cat Noir doing the same thing what I did. Wait, this isn't all my fault! He was too busy laughing around being an idiot!

"Half of this wouldn't happen if you weren't there making a fool of yourself!" I screamed at Cat Noir, deciding to blame stuff on him.

"But didn't you agree that was funny?" 

Furious of that being his anwser, I exclaimed, "out of everything, you decided to laugh at THAT moment?"

"You act as if everything was my fault. Can't I at least have a 'thank you' for saving your life, Buga-"

"CAN'T YOU SHUT UP WITH YOUR USELESS JOKES AND NICKNAMES, TRASH??!!" I yelled at him, my face all red and losing all common sense. I then covered my mouth and  immediately wanted to take those words back the moment I said that.

I cursed at myself. Cat Noir did NOT deserve that. Why can't I just get over Adrien? Why? Why can't I stop being a little brat in all of this? Why?

After a very big moment of silence, I saw him getting something from his pocket? Looks like I deserve what he's planning.

I can't believe what he did next.

"You're right," he smiled. "I should be more serious when I'm fighting crime." He then showed me... wait, it can't be.

"This is one of my friend's lucky charm. She gave it to me back then when we were playing and said that it would make me luckier. And I guess you could say my other half got... exiting. I guess you'll be needing an extra luck with you, Ladybug. Make sure you return it to me afterwards though, she was a very special friend."

It was unexpected, because what he held, was nothing other than the Marinette Lucky Charm, the one that I gave him when we were playing a video game. No way... it absoulutely can't be... but then there's no other explanation...

Is Cat Noir...  Adrien?

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