Chapter 10: The Heartbreakers part 2

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Cat Noir's POV

I thought giving the Marinette Lucky Charm would help me find out if Ladybug is Marinette, but it turned out that it confused me even more. She looked relieved, happy, and joyful. But then at the same time stressed, surprised, and aghast. What do those mean? Is she relieved that I wasn't angry? Is she scared because she thinks I know her identity? Which one was it?

"W-where did y-you get that?" Ladybug stuttered.

"It's not important right now. But please, take it."

Being hesitant, she took it away from my hand.

As soon as she had placed it in her pocket, Ladybug's earring beeped signalizing it was not long until she transforms back.

"You better hide somewhere and fast. You're about to transform," I warned her. "Meet me at the top of the Eiffel Tower; we'll cook up some plans there."

With a determined nod on Ladybug's face, we both went on our separate ways.


Ladybug's POV

Looking at what Paris looked like right now from the Eiffel Tower, I couldn't believe the horror I saw on the streets. Statues of people, scared and aghast, filled the streets. Curse Heart for what he had done. But then there's this other group of the crowd that looked like they were controlled by someone... but who? Unless heart could use two powers at once, we need to find who's the other one behind is.

"Have you thought of something yet?" I turned to face Cat Noir who answered with a shameful shook.
Cat Noir... Adrien...

Why did he even gave me the Marinette Lucky Charm? It just confuses me even more. It makes me want to know who the person is behind that mask. It makes me wonder if Cat Noir was Adrien.

"Wait! Why don't we... nah that's never gonna work," Adri-- Cat Noir said.

"Spill," I urged.

After a pause, he explained, "Since there are two crowds of people, one turned into statues and one hypnotized that made their eyes all black, it is possible that Heart has a partner named Breaker, am I right? And if you combine both of their names, they're called 'Heartbreakers' right? So the reason why they're traumatized might be because they either got dumped or r-r-rejected."

Rejected... Adrien... why does that memory keep replaying in my head? Also Cat Noir being Adrien! When be stuttered back there... and if he might be Adrien... then maybe, just maybe we were thinking of the same thing.

"Go on," I urged.

"You do know the girl named Marinette, right?"


"W-well, since they mentioned her, they might be rejected or dumped by her!"

"But... that seems impossible..."

"I know, she is a sweet thing. My theory is that she confessed to her crush, while they just watched in the sideline!"

Him saying that made my heart ache. But he did have a point right there... wait... no... no no no, please.

"Luka," I whispered.

"Christoper," Cat Noir mentioned.

"Yeah... it's definitely them," we both said in chorus.

Curse me. Luka and Christoper actually... like me? And Christoper? Really? I cursed at myself for caring only about me. I cursed at myself for letting two boys painfully watch at the sidelines. I cursed at myself, for being all Adrien this and Adrien that. Why can't I just let go of it all? Why didn't I noticed that they actually had a thing for me? How can love be so complicated?

"Are you okay, Ladybug? You look confused."

"Go on with your plan," I beat around the bush, trying to hold back my tears.

"Right. Do we have Rena Rouge who can make illusions, right? Cal her and ask if she could make an illusion of Marinette. If Luka and Christoper buy it, we'll follow them and you'll think of something there. Sounds like a plan?"

What the heck did he mean when he said that it's never going to work out? This plan was G E N I U S. It quickly changed my depressed mood into a cheerful one.

"YOU ARE A FREAKING GENIUS, YOU KNOW?!" I exclaimed to Cat Noir.
After a giggle, he said "there's my Ladybug. We don't have time though. Get her and hurry."


"Thanks again, Rena," I said.

We were at a dark alley together with Cat Noir. Rena Rouge had just made an illusion of Marinette. The illusion was just near the Eiffel Tower, out in the open.

"No problem!" she exclaimed.

After waiting for several minutes, Heart appeared from the sky. We watched as he grabbed "Marinette" and flew off in a certain direction.
"Right on our trap," Cat Noir smirked as we followed Heart and "Marinette" from the streets where you can easily hide. They stopped when they arrived the Pont des Arts, and let me just say, it looked terrible.

Hypnotized people were everywhere. Some were climbing in trees, others were leaving, but most of them were heading at the center of the bridge. There, a furious, all-in-black man was flying. Seeing that his eyes were nothing but black, he must be the source of this. And perhaps...

"Christoper," I whispered under my breath, but made sure that no one could hear it.

"Find me Marinette RIGHT NOW, you airheads!" Breaker ordered to the people as he pointed their way out. Just then, Heart came near him and, judging by Breaker's expression, look pleased.

"What now?" Cat Noir asked, looking at me frantically.

"Well then, I guess it's time for the Lucky Charm!" I exclaimed as a... Lady Wifi doll dropped from the air?

"What am I going to do with this?" I used my Ladybug vision and cooked up a plan.

"Rena, make an illusion of Lady Wifi. Since she has the power to pause people, she'll be perfect. Cat Noir, I'll need you to stay hidden and check where the akuma might be in. My theory is that the akuma might be something that they have in common. Make sure you're hidden in a place where they can't escape. On my signal, you and Rena will show yourselves and Lady Wifi will pause the heartbreakers. Got it?"

"Got it," Rena Rouce and Cat Noir said in chorus.

"Now go."

We soon separated to look for hiding places. I gave them a while before showing myself to the Heartbreakers. Breaker seemed to be in the middle of hipnotizing "Marinette," when I did so. And boy he surely wasn't happy.

"What the heck, Ladybug?! You are freakingl-" Breaker exclaimed in frustration when his mood changed into a slightly mischievous one. What's up with that? He then whispered something at Heart's ear.

To my suprise, Breaker unhypnotized all the people, only to be threatened by Heart exclaiming, "move and I'll turn you into stone!"

I could see both Cat Noir and Rena Rouge's determined face looking at the scene.

"Do you all want to know who Ladybug is?" Breaker exclaimed mischievously as he took out his phone from his pocket.

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