Chapter 3: Project Making

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The bell rang signalizing it was time for dismissal. I bid my teacher goodbye and rushed to the place of Master Fu. I plan to talk to him about my problems with Christoper and how do I deal with him. As I reached Master Fu's house, I opened the door.

"Hello, Ladybug," master Fu greeted me with a smile.

Tikki popped out of my bag and greeted master. "We came to ask for some advice, Master."

"Ah, if it isn't about Christoper, isn't it?"

"How do you know?" I asked, unaware.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me yet, Marinette. Calm down and have a seat. Tell me everything."

I did as I was told. I confessed everything about Christoper knowing my identity, him threatening to tell it to Chloe, and him being his sister.

"So, what do you think, Master? What do you think we can do to stop Christoper from telling it to Chloe?" I asked.

   "Matters like these are too risky, Marinette. Do you realize that you will put everyone in danger if Hawkmoth knows anyone you love? And to make things worse, you could lose your kwami and miraculous!" Master Fu said, disheartened.

Feeling all guilty, I slowly nodded my hand.

"But," he continued, "thank you for confessing everything. Now, you come seeking advice? The best solution I have for you is to change the rock to foam."

   "W-what?" I asked. "I don't understand what your trying to tell me. Can you please define it more?"

"Sadly, I cannot. You have to learn how to figure out solutions, as you are Ladybug."

"Wait, you don't mean...?"

There was a long pause in the room. I thought I knew what it meant.

   I quickly panicked and said "but I love Adrien! I don't wanna love someone who lowers your self-esteem every time!"

"See how we can misunderstand things, Marinette. Sometimes we overlook things. Remember that there are such things as masks. I know you can't just ask him to automatically, so I urge you to remember this words 'sometimes illusions can distract us. We have to look at the real picture.'"

There was a large silence. I couldn't understand this at first. But I knew to argue here isn't going to work out. I thanked Master for his guidance and went home. I kept thinking too about those words for the rest of the day, but exactly how?

Today is the day we have our group gathering for our school project. We decided to have the project at home. Hehe, good thing I was prepared to remove all of those posters of Adrien. Anyways, when school was done, I headed home to prepare.

Adrien's POV

   "So today is the day of the school project, huh Adrien?" Plagg whispered from the interior of my backpack.

   I was in the locker area of the school. I chatted with Plagg as I wait for my bodyguard, Gorilla, to fetch me.

"Yep!" I answered back.

"And how exactly do you feel about this?" Plagg asked.

   I was hesitant to spill the beans to Plagg, even though he was my best friend.

"Hey! Kid, I know you're hiding something for me," Plagg scolded.

"It's just that..."

There was a long silence in the room.

"Fine," I gave in. "I feel like I'm scaring her. Whenever I'm around her, she just keeps on jumping you know. But then when she's around with other people, she's so... know what I mean? And i-it kinda hurts. Ever got this feeling before? I think I might visit a doctor soon."

   Plagg gave me a weirded out look. "Wha---? The heck. You're so dense! Anyways, do you have any camembert, kid?"


Marinette's POV 

"So I was thinking..." says I, "teacher said to make an invention that includes hydrogen, right? Why don't we do something like an instrument? Then we think up of something to make the vibrations less painful to the ear? What do you guys think?"

Adrien and Christoper arrived at my house. We are now doing the project. Well, most of us...

"Cool," said Adrien.

"Wow, so fantastic. Very good. Hahaha" Christoper said sarcastically.

"It's better than sitting around doing nothing and playing with your ball that's going to make a hole into someone's house, I scolded as I watch him do exactly that.


   "Don't mind him, Mari," Adrien said. "He's not gonna help anyway."

   OMG, he called me by his nickname! This means we're getting close by the minute! Oh no, my heart's beating closer by the second. This is bad. I'm too happy. I'm blushing AARRRGGGHHH!!!

   We did the project for hours. Adrien and I laughed and painted some silly stuff at our faces. Our paint could wash up easily anyways. I had so much fun with him. He made me feel comforted. Every day my stutters and clumsiness are getting lesser and lesser everyday.

   By the time we were done, we did a fist bump and exclaimed "pound it!" But then the bad thing was, at the second we were done, Christoper threw his ball at the project.

   "Oops! Sowwy!" He said all-cute and innocent like. "Looks like you'll do everything again! Hehe." He laughed all-evil like.

   OMG, I was so furious. I wanted to slap this, this ugh! Forget it! It's impossible dealing with him! "What the heck is wrong with you! Our effort is literally broken!" I thought.

   Adrien sighed and said "I'll get a mop to wipe out the water. Wait here," and went down.
As he was out, I said, no, shouted to Christoper, "what did we ever done to you?!"


   I was shocked to hear this. I looked at him to see that he was sitting with his legs folded while staring at the back of the wall.

   "I survived without this mutual emotion," he continued. "I mean, you could survive without it. I was never treated liked I was loved. Only by one person. They said that they found me in a box as a baby just crying. I was so happy when mom adopted me. I had visits with Chloe and Adrien. I soon realized that all those love was fake, only Chloe's was real."

   His voice was started to crack at this point. "I found out that mom just adopted me to show her kind image. My dad barely had enough time for me. She only took care for me. But, who needs that freaking mutual love anyways? It's all just...just..."

   I could see it in the corner of his eye that he was starting to cry. I felt so sorry for him. I know what he did isn't that much forgivable but I couldn't help right now. It's like he's just a child looking for help. I comforted him.

"Then let me be one too..." I said gently.

"This is all just..."

   I was really too speechless. "It really is just a secret place," I thought, "the land of tears."

[No one's POV]

   Little did she know that Adrien was watching through the keyhole, his heart aching and Christoper's heart started to race.

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