Day Thirty

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Day Thirty. Jack - 18:24

"You don't love me, Jack. No one fucking loves me, not Rian, not you, no one." Zack snarls in my direction, the familiar look in his eyes long gone and replaced with a maniacal one that really seems so alien upon Zack's memorably innocent face - he's fucked up to say the least but today all of us are fucked up and there's very little anyone can do about that at all.

"I care about you, Zack-" I began and he steps forward from the doorway to face me, a menacing look igniting in his eyes.

"Spit out the shit, Barakat." He snapped, rolling his eyes away like any hopes I had of getting on his apparently none existent good side, because this was all so fucking ironic to see Zack call Alex a monster and then turn into such a ferocious monster that Alex is made to look like a fucking puppy.

"I love Alex, you know that." The words came out as barely more than a mumble, their only purpose served to provide Zack with answers he already knew too well, and he hated that. I knew he hated that. He hated Alex, just because I loved him.

I didn't understand how Zack could possibly imagine that he'd have the rights to emotions like this; after all, he'd broken my heart in the first place. I guess he didn't like the idea that it had been Alex, not himself, who'd been the one to fix it, but in my defence I couldn't wait forever with a broken heart, and Alex came disguised as a monster with a heart made of stone, so how was I to know just how hard I was going to fall for him?

"Alex is fucking dead." He yelled at me, stepping forward and causing me to shudder back into the wall in the childish hope that it, that anything may protect me from whatever Zack was planning upon next.

Quite honestly, now he scared me and that was something I'd never thought I'd say. I barely even knew this Rian guy he'd mentioned earlier, but I knew that he must have loved him, because god this Rian guy fucked him up real bad here, and that was becoming increasingly evident, because this wasn't the Zack I knew, this wasn't the Zack I knew at all and I hated that things had to turn out like this after all.

"He's not." I continued, not even believing in my own words by now, which was slowly destroying me too, leaving the both of us in an utter state of fakery.

"You're far too sure of this, Jacky." And that was the one thing he couldn't say, he just couldn't' call me Jacky, he couldn't do this to me - I wouldn't let him. I would not let him at all.

"Don't call me that!" My timid mumble grew a mane as it transformed into a lion's roar. "Don't you dare, fucking call me that."

"That was his little nickname for you, wasn't it?" Zack rolled his eyes, a smirk twitching at his lips. "Pathetic, don't you think? Why would he make you love him and trust him so much just for him to let you down in the end, just for him to be dead in the end? He's an utter asshole in my opinion. A Rian kind of asshole. I know how it feels Jack, just listen to me."

"Let me fucking leave." I snapped in response, his words meaning nothing to me - Alex had trained me for this, because emotions had uses sometimes of course, but in others they were useless and now being one of them.

If I were the same Jack from a month ago then surely I would have fallen right under Zack's spell. A month ago I would have fallen right under anybody's spell. You couldn't blame me though, I was naive and stupid. I hadn't a clue as to what the real world was like, not really.

"Not a chance - I'm keeping you safe here." Zack lied like he meant it, and that was how I found myself more in fear of my old high school crush than the psychotic serial killer I liked to call my boyfriend.

"But Alex-" I made one last attempt to try and convince Zack that I didn't care for him in that way, and that my heart lay firmly in Alex's hands, but it was clear that he was stubborn and that he absolutely wasn't having any of it.

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