He realizes he has feelings for you

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Finn: I've been hanging out with (Y/N) for weeks now maybe a month. Every time I hang out with (Y/N) now, my heart races and it feels likes I can't think or talk straight. I'm not sure why this is. Is it because I like her?

"Jake, question," I say to Jake.

"Yeah," he replies.

"Does my heart racing and feeling like I can't think or talk straight mean I'm starting to like (Y/N)?" I ask him. He looks at me and nods.

I go to room and lay down on my bed. I think I'm starting to get feelings for (Y/N).

Jake: Finn went to his bed and I laid back on the couch. I can't wait till I hang out with (Y/N) again. I love how she laughs and the way her eyes sparkle as she laughs. I felt my cheeks warm up and I realized I'm blushing.

Smiling, I feel the butterflies in my stomach as I keep thinking about (Y/N). I smiled. I'm starting to get feelings for (Y/N).

Marshal Lee: Looking at the CD (Y/N) picked for me the last time we were hanging out. It's from her (favorite band). She gave it to me because a lot of her favorite songs were on this and she wanted me to hear them.

I put it in and jump in the air and float around the room as the songs play.

The cd stops playing and I feel butterflies and my heart racing a bit from thinking about (Y/N). I smile and put the cd up. I like that cd but not as much as I realized that I like (Y/N).

Prince Gumball: Sitting and staring out the window, I notice that I've been thinking about (Y/N). I turned around and looked into my mirror and noticed that my cheeks were flushed a bright red. Ahh. I didn't realize I was starting to gain feelings for her. I wonder if she'll ever feel the same.

Flame Prince: I drew, well more like burn, hearts into the grass. I've been thinking about (Y/N) and looking forward to seeing her again all day. I've been feeling kinda funny all day. Every time I think about her, I feel my heart race and get this weird feeling in my stomach. Wait. Is this me getting feelings for (Y/N)? It wouldn't matter because she'll probably never feel the same way as I do.

BMO: Sitting cross legged, (Y/N) and I were playing video games and she was winning. I smiled each time because she made the cutest face when she won.
She made a face and as I was smiling, I feel my cheeks start to turn red. She turned and smiled at me as my heart raced and stomach flipped. Oh my goodness, her smile is so pretty.

(Y/N), I think I'm getting feelings for you.

Peppermint Butler: I was standing guard when I say her hair flowing in the wind. (Y/N)'s back was facing me and her hair was flowing behind her.

Gosh does her hair look lovely today. Did she curl it on purpose? She turns around and gives me a small smile and I give a small smile back.

I watch her walk away as I feel my face heat up. I lower my head. I wish she didn't have to walk away and that she could stay longer but I could get I trouble and she probably has things she needs to get done as well.

I think I'm starting to get feelings for her.

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