First date

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Finn: Laying on your bed, you were scrolling through your YouTube suggested feed when your phone starting ringing. It was Finn. Smiling you picked it up right away.

"Hey, (Y/N). I was wondering what you were doing cause I want to ask you something," he said sounding quite which he barley did unless he was getting nervous.

"I'm not doing anything. Why?" You asked.

"Well, we've been together for three weeks now so I was wondering if we could go out on a date. We can go to the movies and then get ice cream," he said. Smiling, you got up and started putting an outfit together.

"Yes, I would love to. What time?" You asked.

"Well I'm kinda on my way over now so when I get there. Will you be ready in time?" He asked.

"Of course," you said while grabbing you softest pair of leggings which were a light grey and the softest sweater you had in light pink. Quickly putting those on while re applying deodorant then (your favorite perfume). Smiling and putting those things in a small cross body purse, you go to the front door to wait after telling your parents your going on a date with Finn. You were waiting excitedly by the door when you saw him starting to walk to the door. You practically jumped up to answer the door. You guys hugged before saying by to your parents and walking to the movies.
Walking from the movies, you both reached the ice cream parlor when he stops you.

"What's your favorite flavor?" He asks.

"(Your fav ice cream flavor)," you responded. He smiled and asked you to wait. He goes in, orders and comes back after about two or so minutes with both of your ice creams. Smiling, you take yours as you both kept walking around and eating them.

"Thanks for the date," you mentioned. He smiled.

"Your welcome and I'm just glad that my crush gave me a chance," he said while smiling as you both walked up to your house.

"I have a huge crush on you as well so when you actually mentioned you liked me back and asked me out it was one of the most exciting days I've had so far," you admitted. He smiles and opens his arms. You give him a warm smile back before leaning into the hug and wrapping your arms around him.

"I'll see you again Sunday when we hang out again, okay?" He asks. Nodding, you quickly respond.

"Of course. I'll see you then," you say in response. Smiling, you both wave goodbye and you watch him walking away and down the street to were you can't see him anymore before you walked inside to call it a night.

Jake: Laying in your bed, you looked at the letter you got in the mail today. Confused you read through it after you saw that it was from Jake. To sum it up he wants you to meet up with him at the apple orchard for a surprise. Excited you rummaged through your clothes before grabbing a pair of jeans, a Disney shirt, and a hoodie before putting on your converse. Telling your mom that you're going out before grabbing your house key and putting in your purse. Smiling, you walked to the apple orchard.

Walking for bit in the apple orchard, Jake comes out and puts his arms out for a hug. You leaned in, wrapping your around him.

"Hey, so why'd you want to meet me here?" You asked him as he pulled away from the hug.

"Because I made us an apple pie and wanted to have a date with you, too," he said while grabbing your hand and leading you towards the table he sat up.  Smiling, you sat down across from him.

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