You relaize you have feelings for him

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Finn: You were walking along when you saw a stick and some mud. Feeling creative and wanting to draw in the mud, you walk over to it and pick it up. Walking over to the mid, you sat down on a dry spot and started to draw in the mud. Lost in your thoughts, you draw a heart with yours and Finn's name in it. You didn't truly notice until you stood up and looked back down at it. You felt your cheeks grow warm as you rubbed the back of you neck.

'Maybe mom was right about me starting to get a crush on Finn,' you thought to yourself as you remembered all the times your mom asked why you would write Finn's name in your notebooks while doing homework.

Jake: You laid in your bed and starred at the ceiling, trying to stop thinking about Jake.

'Why can't I stop thinking about him?' You thought to yourself as you picked up your phone to call your best friend to ask why. You had a feeling on why but you just wanted to ask her because she was better with knowing these kinds of things.

"Yes?" She asked when she picked up.

"Hey, I had a question about boys and crushes," you said, sitting up in your bed. You heard a small gasp and you let at a small chuckle.

"Ask," she replied, sounded very excited.

"I can't stop thinking about this boy and I get butterflies when I do and when I'm around him as well," you said, blushing because you were finally talking about your feelings.

"You are starting to get a crush," she exclaimed. You looked over at the clock and realized you probably could talk all night.

"Tell me more," she said before humming. "We can stay up all night and I'll come over in the morning," she said, adding on to her first sentence.

"Okay and we do need a girls day in," you said. She squealed excitedly before you starting to her about Jake.

Flame Prince: You were trying to take a relaxing bath when your thoughts started to go to Flame Prince and you started thinking about him. You thought about everything you liked about him and what it be like to be with him and kiss him.

'Wait isn't he all fire? That'll hurt. Well, maybe he can control and make himself not all fire for a little bit," you thought to yourself as you started to realize that you were getting a crush on him.

Marshal Lee: You were listening to some of your favorite songs when a love song came on. You stared out of your window and at the starry night shy wishing Marshal was with you to go star gazing with. Smiling, you walked over to your bed and laid down. You didn't feel like sleeping so you grabbed a notebook and pen  to write. The song kept playing as you wrote. Looking up, you saw a shooting star and smiled before looking back down. You described the night shy before writing about Marshal a bit. Blushing you put the notebook back up and laid back down on your bed.

'I guess I'm getting a crush on him,' you thought to yourself before falling asleep.

Prince Gumball: Moving the books around on the shelf, you found a book to read.

'Looks like a cute love story,' you thought as you picked it up. You moved the books back around before you checked it out. Walking to the park, you sat down under a tree and read. It was still nice outside despite there being a few dark clouds creeping across the sky. You sat there a read it, flipping through the pages with eagerness to read more.

'That boy reminds me of Gumball,'  you thought to yourself.  You kept reading not noticing the small blush on your face when the couple in the book kissed.

'I wish that was Gumball and I,' you thought to yourself as you finished the book. It looked a bit darker so you hurried home so you wouldn't get rained on. As you sat down inside, you realized all of the things you thought of while reading and noticed that you were getting an actual crush on the prince.

Peppermint Butler: You thought it would be a good day to go try to see Peppermint today. Walking through the streets you saw him but didn't walk closer. You looked down and rubbed the back of your neck slowly because you started to feel butterflies in your stomach from seeing him. Slowly you walked back home, hoping he didn't notice the strange way you acted.

'Hopefully he likes me, too,' you thought to yourself as you laid down on your bed to help the feeling pass.

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