The Reunion Performance

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A/N: Bonjour! Enjoy the musical performance of Breri! xoxo

"Hey Mel, you ready for our concert performance?"

"Yeah Geri."

All the girls head upstage to sing a song for their reunion concert. "Introducing back to the stage UK's very own Spice Girls!" Everyone in the audience is screaming when they start singing "Say you'll be there"

In the middle of the song, Geri climbs onto Mel B and they give a real good liplocked kiss...

"Please stop the music real quick!" Mel B says. The music stops and everyone is confused. Mel B gets down on her knees and says into the microphone, "Geraldine Estelle Halliwell, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Everyone in the audience gasps.

"Yes. Yes I will." Geri smiles accepting with a kiss. One girl in the front row fainted. Geri peered over the stage to see if the girl was alright.

"Will security please bring this girl who fainted onto the stage please?" Geri asked. As security helps the poor girl up onto the stage.

"Are you alright darling?" Geri asked the teenaged girl.

"Why yes I'm fine." The british teenaged girl answered. "I ship Breri so so so so much!!"

"I see then.. what's your name darling?" Leaning the mic towards the fan.

"Melanie Thompson." She said shyly.

"Would you like to do a duet with me?"


"I told myself the last time when I winked at you that hopefully I'd see your face again to ask you to sing with me."

"So you did remember me?"

"How can I forget a gorgeous girl like you?" She hugs Mel T.

"What song would we sing?" The girl asked Geri.

"Ride it, or Desire?"

"Ride it!" The teenaged girl said with glee.

Both Geri and Mel T had a blast singing together and kept in touch after that.

Breri: A Story of Melanie Janine Brown and Geraldine Estelle HalliwellWhere stories live. Discover now