Valtors tricks

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One day bloom and her fairy form where fighting Valtor and in order for them to destroy him they would have to unit themselves so they did and from that bloom got a new power this was good news but little did she know that bad things can happen to her from this.

The next day bloom and sky were hanging out together and bloom wanted to tell sky about what she discovered. On the way to the cafe sky saw an old friend and asked bloom if it would be ok if he went. Bloom went to sit down and a lady came up to her and said "you must be careful dangers await you". That night bloom had a dream more like a message and in her dream "bloom you are the guardian of Paris and you must leave for 1 year at least or you will be invisible and no one will see you and you will be lost to all" in the morning bloom was crying and sky came to her balcony on his windrider and said "bloom what's wrong yesterday you just left and now your crying so what happened? Bloom didn't answer him. Sky then told her "bloom tell me please I care to much about you to see you cry like this" then bloom answered "sky I don't want to leave you or the winx" then sky said "bloom what do you mean by leave" bloom told sky what happened then sky said "bloom I'm not letting you go. I just can't.I love you to much to let you go" and then bloom said "sky I love you too but I can't do anything about it.Im sorry sky but I have to go". Sky tried to talk to her but it did not work so she left. Blooms friends saw her and asked where she was going and all she said was "leave me alone" and ran off. She did not mean to be rude to her friends she just did not want them to be involved.

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