Chapter 2

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Getting Derek out

  I headed into the police station and got stop by one of the police men.

"Ma'am you can't go in there" he said as I looked at his badge and see that his name was Sam

"Sam touch me again and I will have you job taken away from you. I'm FBI so back off" I said as I showed him my badge and he backed off.

"I'm talking to him whether you like it or not" I said as I headed to the room and see Derek sitting there.
  I open the door and rush over to him hugging him

"What the hell is going on? Why are you being framed for murder?" I asked as he wiped my face.

"Your crying over me" Derek said as he smiled and I knocked his hand away from me.
"That's not funny Derek. Why the hell is he framing you for this?" I asked
"There framing me for murders of Damien and a couple of more kids because they have "evidence" on me" Derek said.
  I formed a fist and hit the wall causing my knuckle to bleed

"Whoa baby girl calm down" Derek said as he looked at my hand

"It's fine when Hotch gets here we will figure it out" Derek said as he kissed my other knuckle.
  I pull my hand from his grasp and went out the door trying to find Stan.

"Everything points to that son of a bitch" Stan said as he was talking to Gideon

"You might want to watch what you say about him you dick" I said as I walked towards him.

"Look Scarlett you know I like you, but your going with a..." Stan said as I balled up my fist and Reid and Gideon held me back.

"If you call him that I'm gonna make it to where your career is on the line. He was with me the whole time. The whole time do you understand me" I said as I walked off and went into the room and looked through the box.
"Babydoll stop.. look at me stop" Derek said as he held my hands

"I'm getting Garcia" I said as I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

Hey my beautiful friend what do you need?

Hey, Garcia can you do me and favor and look into Derek's file for me please?

Yeah sure. Give me one second

There's a locked file

Well unlock it

Scarlett I can't unlock it, it's not suppose to be opened.

GARCIA...I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at I just, this is just he's...

I know Scarlett I will try what I can do. I know your worried about him, but let me get back to you okay.

I hung up the phone and looked at Derek seeing as he was backing away from me.

"Does this have to do with what I try to get to talk to you about?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow at him.
  He looked away from me

"Derek answer me. I can't help you unless you talk to me." I said

"It was suppose to be exsponged" Derek said. I walked over to him and bent down in front him taking his hands in mine.

"I need you to tell me what happened" I said as he shook his hands

"No babydoll...if I tell you what happened you wouldn't look at me the same" Derek said as I bring his hand up and kissed his.

"I love you, but if I have to get Garcia to look into it I will Derek" I said as he got up quickly, but I went out of the room.

"Hotch I don't know what to do?" I said

"All I know is Carol Bufford helped him get his scholarship, but whenever I would ask about what happened he wouldn't tell me" I said as Hotch nodded his head.

"We'll figure this out okay" Hotch said as I nodded my head.
  I turned my head and see Carol walk in walking over to Stan. I look down the hallway seeing Hotch walk down the hall and follow after him.

"Damnit Hotch I told you not to do that" Derek yelled as I hold him back making him look at me.

"Derek look at me, we're trying to get you out okay" I said as he nodded his head.
  I walked out with Hotch and head someone say something.

"Who let him out?" The man said as I rushed out the door knowing where he would go.
  I stopped running and see Derek and James passing the football back and fourth.

"James we need to talk about Carol" Derek said

"What about him?" James asked

"Has he ever taken you to his cabin?" Derek asked

"Yeah sometimes" James said

"James I know what he does. He takes you to his cabin and treats you like the son he never had. First he pushed up against you, but that wasn't the first time. James he did things to you didn't he. He did it to me to, but look at me James you are something. Your doing this all by yourself." Derek said as I walk over to Derek and James.

"James" I said as he ran over to me and hugged me as Derek walked over to me wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry" I said as he smiled at me.

"It's okay" Derek said

"Go do what you got to do, I'll stay with James" I said as Derek went into the center.

"It's okay I'm not leaving James, if I have to I'll keep the center going with Derek" I said as he hugged me tighter.
"Get home safe James okay" I said as he nodded his head and I handed him my number.
  I stand up making sure he got into his apartment and turned around seeing Derek.

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