Chapter 8

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A Free Weekend

  I was finally able to put my boot on and got up out of the hospital bed feeling a lot better and like myself.

"I'm glad you're back to normal babydoll" Derek said as he grabbed my hand.

"I am to! I'm just glad he... didn't do that" I whispered as Derek stared at me and lifted my chin up to where I was looking at him.

"He would have never done that to you" Derek said

"You never know" I said as Derek grabbed me by the shoulders and I looked at him shocked.

"Now you stop talking like that babydoll. I want my bubbly, witty and smart and beautiful babydoll back that can kick ass" Derek said making me smile and laugh.

"Okay" I said as I laughed. He smiled and grabbed my hand and my bag heading out of the hospital and into the car.
"Alright so what case?" I asked Derek as he looked at me shocked

"Babydoll Hotch gave us a weekend off no matter what. So we are going to a cabin to get away from everything and just look around the town" Derek said as I smiled.

"Thank God! But I have to pack some clothes" I said as Derek shooked his head.

"No you don't I already did" Derek said as I smiled and turned on the radio smiling at him.

"Thanks Derek. I really appreciate that. You know you don't have to do this for me. We could have stayed at the house and just looked around here" I said

"I know we could have stayed here because I know how you are, but I also wanted to get away from here and just spend time with you" Derek said.

"Thanks Derek" I said as I looked at the road and sang along with the music on the radio Derek joining in a couple of times.
  We finally pulled up to the cabin and I quickly got out and smiled grabbing my bags

"Come on Derek I want to see the inside" I said as he unlocked the door and I see the beautiful decorations in the room.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" I said

"Great I'm glad you like it because it's ours" Derek said as he sat down the bags and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I bought this a couple of months ago and was gonna bring you up here sooner, but didn't get the chance" Derek said.
  I smiled and walked over to him and hug him laying my head on his chest.

"Thank you" I said as he hugged me tighter.
"Since it's already late how about we just get some pizza delivered in and just watch a movie and then tomorrow we can go out and look at the shops if you want to" Derek said.

"Yeah that's fine. I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm gonna get changed and then come back down if you want to order the pizza" I said.

"Yeah I can do that babydoll" Derek said as he grabbed his phone and I headed upstairs.
  I grabbed my bag and looked through my bag trying to find something to wear to sleep, but couldn't find one.
  I let out a sigh and grab Derek's bag and grab one of his shirts slipping it on and slipping on my house shoes.
  I walk downstairs and see Derek sitting on the couch in sweat pants and no shirt watching TV.
  I sat down next to him with with my feet under me and laid my head on his chest.

"Nice chest by the way" I said as I laughed

"What you've been around me without a shirt" Derek said

"I'm joking. Anyways when is the pizza suppose to get here?" I asked

"Hmm about twenty minutes" Derek said as he turned on the movie and I turn my attention to the screen.
  I bite my lip debating on if I should tell Derek about why I didn't call him for those years

"Derek" I said as he turned to me and I sat up with my back against the arm rest hugging my legs.

"Yeah babydoll" Derek said

"Do you want to know the reason why I didn't call you?" I asked as he turned and paused the TV and turned to me.

"Yes babydoll I do, but if your not ready then I can wait" Derek said

"No you've waited enough. Two years on the case of Kain Myers the one took me. I left because of him." I said

"But why? Scarlett that doesn't make any sense" Derek said

"You also didn't let me finish. The week he took me he...beat where I almost bled out. He also...raped me several times to. When I came back that week to the BAU I told Hotch I was leaving for a little while.
  I didn't tell him why and I've never talked about this until now. But I went to the doctors the week after and found out I was pregnant.
  I ended up calling my brother and headed up to see him only for him to call me and tell killed.
  I went up there and I ended up staying up there. The times you had called me I wanted to pick it up...and just...listen to...your voice...but I knew if I did I would cry.
  Months later I was rushed to the hospital and I had a baby girl. Once they pulled her out...that was the first and....last time I saw her...she had already died inside of me months before.
  After that I wasn't myself and I ended up hurting myself and I got help.
  After two years of being gone I came back and me and you started to talk again. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you would look at me different" I cried as I lifted up my sheelve wiping the tears that came one after the other.
  Derek pulled me onto his lap and held me tightly shaking

"You should have told me babydoll...I would...have helped know..I love you" Derek said making me sob in his shoulder.

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