Chapter 4

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  I got to the BAU and made me a cup of ice coffee seeing Derek come in. I rolled my eyes and went into the room feeling his eyes on me.

"Yesterday in Nevada, they found a corpse with all the ovaries taken out and also a arm and we think it might be connected to other case because here." JJ said as she switched the picture we saw the left rib cage missing

"The left rib cage missing just like all of the other ones" JJ said as I looked over the pictures.

"We're looking for the same unsub then" I said as she nodded her head

"Yeah same unsub that has killed over hundreds" Gideon said as he walked in and set down a box having more cases

"We leave in twenty" Hotch said as I got up and headed to Garcia office to be grab by my arms softly.

"Babydoll come on" Derek said as I looked at him and pulled my arm out of his grip heading to see Garcia.
  I knocked on her door and then opened it peeping my head in

"Hey Garcia, you have a minute?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, are you finally gonna tell me why you left for two years" Garcia said as I nodded my head grabbing a extra seat.

"The day I came in and told Hotch I was leaving for a little bit is because of what happened. No one knows, when I left that day it was because that week before we were working on that case where he...was punishing people. When I got taken...he um...raped me while I was there and a week later I found out that I was pregnant. After that I left the BAU. I was on my way home and I got a phone call from my brother and was told killed...I went up there and...saw my brother and...after that I just stayed up there.
  Derek called me... every single day...and I wanted to tell him, but I just...I couldn't. I ignore calls and when it was time for the baby come I was in the hospital and they pulled her out...she was already dead...that was the first time and...the last time...I ever got to see her.
  After that I just couldn't be by myself because the day after I had her I started to hurting myself and my brother wanted me to get help so I did.
  After a year I was hurting myself anymore, I was better. I then came back here and Hotch immediately brought me back and that's when me and Derek started talking again." I cried as hear a sob come from Garcia.
  She came up and hug me as I buried my head in her neck

"And then last night Derek said I was being unfair to him about not telling him and not calling him for two years, but he hid something from me his whole life and didn't call me back for three years" I cried as she rubbed my back.
  She pulled back and wiped the tears I had

"I'm sorry. You know you can talk to me, but if you would have kept..well you know, you wouldn't be here with me or the team. We're family" Garcia said as I stood up and hug her tighter.

"Yeah, Garcia family!" I said as I wiped my tears and walked out of her office and grab my stuff.
  I got into the car and headed to the airport to the jet.
  I sat down and feel someone sitting next to me. I look over and see Derek.
  I looked away and looked out the window feeling him grab my hand

"Before you take my hand away let me apologize. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that last night. I was just upset with myself and I snap. I'm sorry babydoll" Derek said as I looked at him.

"You have to remember, I left for a reason Derek. I know I haven't gaven you a reason on why, but just know I will okay" I said as he nodded his head and kissed my head.
  I laid my head on his shoulder and feel my eyes start to get heavy. I close my eyes and fall asleep on Derek's shoulder.

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