Chapter 12

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The Man That Made Women Flowers pt.2

  I let out a yawn as we were driving to the crime scene. We pull in and I see everyone standing around looking at the woman.
  I pulled out her file out of my bag and was looking through it.

"She went missing for three days" I said as I shut the file and got out of the car.
  We showed the police are badge and they let us through.

"You must be Scarlett and Derek Morgan" someone said as I turned around and see a man standing behind us.

"Yes, we are. We were called up here to investigate" I said as he held out his hand to us.

"James Bartlett I'm the one that called you guys in" He said.

"Who found her and what do you think happened?" I asked him as Derek put his glove on and was looking at the cuts.

"As far as we know she was missing for three days. On the third day we got a call at the station saying the number 3 three times and then they hung up. But we got a call at the station around 3:33 saying they found a body in the middle of downtown." James said. I nodded my head.
  I pulled out my phone and walked away to talk to Garcia.

Hey Garcia could you do me a favor?

Hello my beautiful friend what favor can I do?

I was just told that she went missing for three days. On the third day they got a call and they said the person said the number 3 three times. They then hung up. They then got a call as 3:33 this morning saying someone found her body.

That's horrible.

Yeah it is. So do me a favor. Can you look up a couple that has anything to do with like a cult or if they don't believe in God and worship the devil?

Yep coming right up my beautiful friend. You do realize how long that is going to take me right? There are a lot of people in that town that don't believe in God.

I know Garcia, but I also know you can do this better then anyone

Alright I will get back to you shortly.
  I hung up the phone and Derek came over to me.

"There's something you need to see" Derek said. We walked back into he crime scene and he handed me a pair of extra gloves to put on.
  I bent down beside Beatrice.

"When I was looking her over I notice something on her back" Derek said.
  I looked at him confused.

"Hang on let me get a blanket from the guy again" Derek said.
  He got up and switched me places. He wrapped it around her body to where when we lifted her up no one would see her.
  He lifted her up with the blanket covering her butt.

"Oh my God" I said as I see the number 3 three times in craved into her back.
  Derek put her down gently and I took off my gloves disposing of them.
"I just called Garcia about something similar" I said.

"What do you?" Derek asked

"Well when we were reading her file it said she was taken for three days, but on the third day they found her. James said that on the third day they got a call from some one just saying the number 3 three times and then hung up. On the third day he said they got a call again at 3:33 saying they found a body.
   What I don't think they realizes sooner is that this couple or whatever they are is worshiping the devil." I said as Derek looked at me confused.

"She was taken for three days. On the third day they got three calls actually. The first two were just saying the number 3 three times. Then she was found at 3:33. Anything that is with the number 3 and they do it three times that means they believe in the devil a lot more then they do God. I asked Garcia if she could find anyone that was maybe in a cult that worship the devil or if someone was posting about something" I said.

"I'm thinking are couple or at least maybe brother or sister is part of a cult" I said as I looked at Derek.
  My phone rang. I pulled it out from my pocket and answered it.


Good. Good you figured it out little Ms.Princess.

Who is this?

You will know soon enough. Do understand we are doing this all for him. Him and only him. We would give our souls to him if we could, but for right now this offer will do. I hope you get to Ashley quickly. Remember after we got rid of Beatrice the days start over once again. We still have two days and right hours with Ashley.

Who the hell is this?

Three. Three. Three.
  They hung up. I looked at Derek. I immediately called Garcia.


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