chapter fifteen

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After the hot springs farcade king took me to the mountain tops to watch the sunset. It was romantic all the way, the stars twinkled right after sunset as they started showing up.

We sat in perfect silence, he held me like life depended on it.

"Let's got to the cave love you need to eat"
I just nodded to him as his carried me bridal style as he flew to our cave.

He cooked me meat with his breath, accepting food from him symbolized the fact that I was accepted and trusted that he would provide for me.

"Love I need to talk to you about something"
I ate the meat to my fill, I watched him take the whole carcass as I was full and swallow it whole.

"So what did you want to talk about mate"
"You know I love you very much I've waited for many years for you to be with me. You could possibly be with pups right now love so I was wondering if I could put my eggs in you. "
"Huh what you mean by eggs in me"
"I mean I have eggs I can fertilize them once they are inside you they'll fuse with your DNA they'll be our children, just that they will have dominant dragon genes I need to ensure the survival of my kind of species as you know I'm not the same as other dragons I know it's a lot to take in but please I beg you. "
"I never knew you could do that"

"Since I am an old dragon I can do that I am the last one that can do that"

"Ohh my love I'd be glad and honoured to carry our dragy pups" I just giggled at the name.

"Thank you love I love you so much, il have to put the eggs in you in wolf form since your gonna be pregnant in your human form. "

"I'm ok with that love"

"I love you so much bae"
I couldn't help but burst in Laughter
"Where did you hear that word from"
"I've been around along time sweety"

Yawn, "you know I had stopped believing in the goddess, I mean comon you would to if you were rejected twice almost killed betrayed I'd given up on life you know. I'm happy I have you both me and kaerae are happy"

"Don't ever forsake the goddess she knows what she's doing"

"Night love"
"Sleep tight beautiful" He kissed my forehead as I drifted into a peaceful sleep the best I'd had in a long time.

Kings pov

I looked at the beauty sleeping beside me, she might not be like Kelly but she's is beautiful in her own way.

Whose Kelly you must be wondering, Kelly was my first and chosen mate. She loved me and died giving birth to our twins. The twins didn't survive without their mothers care so they died as well.

As you know a dragon goes mad with the loss of ones mate, that's what happened to me  I've been feral for centuries, I love Lisa very much.

I remember when the goddess told me that she had given me a second chance mate.

I was sleeping in my cave as usual, until I came upon an open field with white moon lilies. They were the purest and the closest dearest flowers to the goddess.

' hello there king'
'Goddess I am your child use me as you see fit'
'Rise my child I come to ask of you a great favour'

'Name it and it shall be done'

'You see I have a child a werewolf whose lost so much in her life, she's the bringer of peace. For that to happen she needs to live, she's lost her first and second chance mates it was set as such by me and my brother. I didn't think she'd give up on life and lose all trust in me. Thats why I am giving her to you show her love kindness she will get pregnant with your children they will be her reason to live until she finds her prince. As for you in the battle that's to come you will not come out alive she'll lose you but you shall be reunited with your chosen and offspring.

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