chapter sixteen

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  Ohk so here in this chapter it's about Lisa it's her pov from when the war began.

Tell me your thoughts about this book.

It's soon going to end, find out what is going to happen to Lisa. Will she bring peace as anticipated or will she destroy everything in grief and loss.

Find out will happen in this chapter.  Also guys if you have coveres please send them to me in need one for this book and the last breeder. Thank you so much now back to our 😊💕✨lovely story. 😊🙌💕✨

Lisa's pov

The guard carried me to the bunker, there they shut the door.

I sat down in a corner praying to the goddess to keep him safe.

"Lisa is that you " I voice I recognized as my best friend spoke behind me.

When I looked at her I felt angry, the betrayal everything that went down cause of her.

'You need to let go love forgive for your sake not theirs'
His words rang through my head.

"Yeah "

"Ohhh I'm so glad your alive I've missed you so much. I know you may not want to forgive me for the betray but I am so sorry I never mentioned fr it to happen. I've missed our friendship, I'm so sorry" She started to cry I knew that she was being sincere.

"It's alright I forgive you, if you hadn't taken octavos away from me I wouldn't met King the love of my life "
I smiled at her.

"You really mean it don't you"
"With every fibre in my being, I'm happy content with what I have. I love him with everything I have his my life. "

"How are you and octavos"
"We still good, we have triplets two boys and one girl. "
"Congratulations, I hope me and king will have many kids in the future. "

We continued talking conversing like old friends. The little tripleta were the most adorable kids I've seen. We have been in the bunker for hours when I felt the most excruciating pain on my neck.

I screamed in pain, I knew king was in trouble.

I felt my spinal chord brake I screamed louder. The pain was too much tears tracked down my cheeks.

I laid on the ground, crying. I felt the bond break as I felt his heart being removed from his body.

I screamed even louder, my heart broke from the bond.

I stood to run out to him, the door was bolted with silver.

I pulled it, I didn't feel the burning sensation.
"Lisa stop his gone"
"No he's not gone"

I punched the door and it flew down the Hall way. I screamed and took off to king.

I killed the demons along the way, I found my self in the open field. I ran to were he was.

His last words rang through our mind link. I screamed even louder, all fighting seesed.

I ran to his limps body covered in blood, I looked at the man holding his heart in his hands. His cold eyes softened as he looked into my eyes.

I cradled kings body in my arms, "you cant leave me king what about our kids huh. "
I screamed, the pain was unbearable.


Lisa's cries rang through the whole battlefield. Everyone ceased the fight it, her cries cut through deep in their hearts they felt her loss.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, Lisa cried and cradled her lovers body.

Her tears turned black, everyone watched as her wolf left her sitting there.

She and her wolf separated due to grief. She cried black blood flowed through her eyes, broken heart alone no one to love her. Lisa cried for her loss,

"Are y'all happy now huh" Her voice rang through the whole battle field.

"You selfish bustards killed my mate for what exactly, huh you wolves kept their mates away from them to make them suffer for no reason. You demons you thought war was the best idea to get revenge. Huh look at me now mateless all over again.

I've lost a lot more than any of you here compared. You still have your wolves, mine is dead cause of grief. My mate gone cause of revenge. If I take my revenge do you think the cycle will ever end huh.

I've had enough of it, even without my wolf I can still can kill all of you bustards. I won't let my mate die for no cause.

I'm sick and tired of all this fighting, demon wolves you shall get you mates if they chose to stay with you. If not you let them be you warewolves are to never interfer in matters concerning mates is that understood. "

"Why should we listen to a human"

"Cause this human hold grategetzuks power the curses. I pass cannot be broken, don't teat me boy I lost my mate yours is safe maybe I should kill all your mates so you can feel. What I am feeling. "

Everyone paled, no one spoke.

"Your fellow wolves your supposed to live in peace together. Ive lost too much suffered a lot cause of wolves.
I am done, she hummed words and the wind picked up lighting t hunter roared in the sky.

Black clouds surrounded Lisa, she placed a curse upon the wolves.

" Listen and listen well that curse I placed upon you is deadly any wolf that or demon wolf to raise a claw or kill another wolf will result in immediate suffering. Your blood will boil, everything in you will ache you'll perish from burning from your own blood. If you continue fighting all of you will die I don't care any more if you want to test the theory try it you'll see the results. As for me I've nothing left in the wolf world I'm going to the humans world maybe there IL. Live a better life.   Either you become friends and work together it's up to you. Being allies and friends is better for both to fight against other super naturals as the war isn't over its only beginning. "

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