Chapter 3

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Whenever the county fair rolled in shortly after Steve's birthday Holly really wanted to go and Steve told her she couldn't tag along. She cried and went running out to her treehouse Sarah looked at Steve and said "What is your problem with your little sister?'

"Mom I just want us to have fun and we can't have fun cause she tags along." Steve said 

Steve walked out with Nat to meet their friends outside. Bucky said "Where's Holly?' 

"Steve told her she couldn't come with us so I guess she's crying in her treehouse." Natasha said 

"Let's go she will be fine." Steve said as he got in his truck. 

"I'll catch up with you all." Bucky said 

Bucky went through Steve's back gate and heard her crying hard. He climbed up in her treehouse and seen her curled up in a ball crying. "Hey Holly." he whispered as he picked her up and held her.

"Shh it's ok.." he said 

"What did I do Bucky? Why is he being like this to me?'" she said through tears

He made her look at him and pressed his forehead against hers and cupped her cheek and said "You didn't do a damn thing darlin he's just being an ass. I don't think you are annoying neither do the girls." 

"I just wanted to go to the fair too. I never get to do anything fun cause I'm only 14 I don't get to drive and mom works nights it's not fair." she said 

He wiped her tears and said "Then come on." 

He helped her out of the treehouse and Sarah seen him helping her and wiping her tears through the kitchen window. She smiled and called Winnie and said "Winnie I have to say you have the best son in the world." 

"Aww thank you Sarah but why do say that." Winnie said

"Because that boy of yours has made sure that my little girl knows that she's not as annoying as Steve claims she is." Sarah said

"Oh man he doesn't like the way Steve treats Holly." Winnie said

Bucky opened his truck door for Holly and she got inside then they went to the fair. Steve rolled his eyes and said "Seriously Bucky why do you keep doing this." 

"Because she wanted to go Steve you are being the worst brother in the world." Bucky said then looked at Holly "Let's go darlin." as he walked away from their friends. Bucky paid for both of them to get in. He won her small stuffed bear and they shared some cotton candy and rode the ferris wheel. "To cap off the night" he said as he held his phone up and snapped a picture of the two of them when they were at the top of the wheel. When they got back to the truck he sent the picture to her and she said "Thanks for a fun night Bucky." 

"You're welcome darlin." he said 

He walked her up to her door and he kissed her forehead. "Goodnight darlin.." he whispered 

"Goodnight Bucky." she said 

That night she printed off the picture and added it to the rest of her summer pictures and laid down and went to sleep. 


It was the night of Homecoming when she was about to go the dance and seen her brother and his friends leaving. She called her mom and said "Mom Steve and them just left me here alone at the dance." 

"Even Bucky?' Sarah said

"I don't know I don't see his truck I want to come home." she said

"Ok baby give me a minute let me call Winnie and see if her or James can pick you up. Do you have your key?" Sarah said 

"Yeah I do." she said

Sarah hung up and called WInnie "Hey Winnie I need you or James to pick up Holly at the school I guess Steve and them left her." 

"Oh no.. I'll go get her." Winnie said 

Winne pulled up and Holly was crying. She let her self in and took a hot shower and changed into her pajamas. She started to read one of her books when she heard a knock on her front door. She went downstairs and looked out the window and saw Bucky. 

"Bucky what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Steve." she said as she walked away. 

"Holly don't." he said

"no you left me I wanted to go to the dance I had have your mom come get me cause you all left me" she said as she started to go upstairs. 

"Holly why do you think I"m here my mom called me yelling at me cause I left you." he said

"Just go back to where ever you all were I don't care. It's clear that I need my own friends." she said 

"Holly stop I left the bonfire so you wouldn't be here alone." he said 

He walked into her room and he looked at her pictures from over the summer that were hanging up on her wall and he smiled cause most of her summer was spent with him. She laid down on her bed and went back to reading her book. He said "Holly.." 

"What?' she said as she wiped tears. 

He laid beside her and said "You still read these damn Jane Austen books." 

"Yes I do.." she said 

He looked at her as she bit her lip and he looked back at the pictures on her wall. He started to realize what was happening he was falling love with Holly and he said "I'm sorry Holly I have to go. " 

"Bucky what's wrong?' she said

"It's nothing Holly I just I need to go." he said as he ran down the stairs and ran home. 

He got in the shower and whispered "oh god I'm falling in love with Holly. I can't Steve will kill me." 

Holly tried to text him and call him and he ignored her messages and calls. Holly cried herself to sleep that night. The next day she told her mom that she's decided that she was going to turn in her uniforms. She waited for her to turn in her uniforms Natasha came over to her and said "Hey what's wrong?'

"It's nothing I just um I think it's best that I have my own life and I'll leave you all alone." Holly said with tears in her blue eyes. 

Bucky came to the practice he was going to apologize to Holly for running off but when he showed up he saw that the routine was different and there was no Holly. When practice was over Nat walked over to Steve and said "Well I hope you are happy Steve your sister showed up to practice and turned not only her cheer uniform but her dance uniform too. Saying that she was just going leave us all alone" 

"What?' Bucky said 

"Yeah so we have had to spend all of practice trying to come up with a new routine without her." Wanda said 

Steve said "I never said that she had to quit all I asked was that she would stop trying to hang out with us." 

Bucky left then drove home and parked the truck at his house and saw Sarah sitting on the porch "Hey Sarah is Holly home?' Bucky said

"No she went to see her dad for the weekend Buck I'm sorry." she said

"Will she be back tomorrow?' he said

"Yeah she will be.. she just needs some space is what she told me." Sarah said

"ok." he said 

Bucky waited all day the next day for Holly to get home when she got home he came over to her and she said "I told Nat and I told Steve I was going leave you all alone." 

"Holly I'm sorry if you are mad at me. I just it's best right now that I not spend so much time with you." he said 

She felt tears fall and said "That's fine Buck just leave me alone then." 

She went into her room and took down all the pictures and put them in the burn barrel outside and burned them. Bucky could see her from his window and he whispered "No baby please." as he was able to see what was in her hand and wiping tears. 

When Monday morning rolled around she signed up for the debate team and went to her student government meeting. 

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