Chapter 4

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*1 month later*

Holly had completely pulled herself away from everyone and started to disappear in her books. One night she was reading when she heard noises coming from Steve's room that she had never heard before. She closed her book and quietly walked down to her brother's room and through the crack in his door she saw Natasha on top of her brother naked and she went back to her room.

She grabbed her book and her blanket and pillow and went out to her treehouse and turned on her fairy lights. She started to read her book that she was reading and fell asleep in her treehouse. Her mom seen her lights on when she came in from work and woke her up to come in and get in her bed before she caught a cold. 

It was Halloween on a Friday and Nat stopped Holly as she walked by and said "You don't want to come with us to the pumpkin patch tonight." 

"I told you Nat I'm not hanging out with you all anymore. You all are Steve's friends and you are his girlfriend." she said and walked off. 

Bucky hid his face in his locker the more he tried to push his feelings away they weren't going away. Nat said "What about you Barnes?'

"Yeah sure I'll be there." he said 

"Then we watch scary movies at Steve's house" Nat said 

That night Holly was making herself some fudge brownie sundaes when ever they all came in from the pumpkin patch and Nat said "You don't want to join us for movies." 

Holly seen Bucky and she said "No I told you no." 

She grabbed her sundae and said "Even if I was still hanging out with you all Nat I still wouldn't want to watch scary movies. Remember I'm the baby I'm annoying little sister that everyone finds annoying" then slammed her bedroom door. 

She ate her sundae and finished reading her book and went to sleep. Bucky sat there while his friends were making out with each other and said "You know what I'm just going to go home." 

"What why?' Steve said

"Cause you all aren't even watching the movies." he said as he went upstairs and before he left to go home he checked on Holly who was sleeping then he left. 


Sarah and Winnie always cook Thanksgiving together and have a big dinner with the family together. Holly sucked it up and got herself ready for Thanksgiving dinner as she curled her blonde hair and put on a fall dress with leggings and boots.

 Holly sucked it up and got herself ready for Thanksgiving dinner as she curled her blonde hair and put on a fall dress with leggings and boots

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She walked downstairs just as Bucky was coming in. He looked up and swallowed hard. She walked right past him and he closed his eyes and Winnie said "Buck did something happen between you two." 

"I had to push her away mom." he said as he walked off and sat beside Steve who had Natasha on the other side of him. They all dinner and dessert after dinner was over she went back upstairs to her room. 

Winnie pulled Bucky aside away from everyone and said "Why are you treating her like her brother does? That's not like you Bucky now I know what Sarah has been saying she's been locking herself away cause she feels like she is annoying cause you pushed her away." 

"Mom it's not like that ok. I had to push her away for a reason." he said 

Sarah was in the process of trying pull her out of her room to spend time with the family but she wanted know part of it. Finally Holly came down and went to her treehouse as she wiped tears. "You need to go talk to her." Winnie said

He sighed and he said "But mom I'm in love with her and I can't be." 

"Go now." James said 

Bucky sighed and went outside to talk to Holly. He got up in the treehouse and sat beside her and he said "Holly I need to be honest with you." 

"Ok.." she said 

"I pushed you away for a reason." he said 

"What is that reason?' Because I don't have big boobs like Wanda and Nat. You can't be seen with a girl who doesn't have big boobs." she said 

"What? No that is not why I didn't want to hang out with you Holly." he said 

"Is it because I'm 14 and you got tired babysitting me." she said 

"Holly will you stop and let me talk." he said

"Because I can't possibly think of another reason why you suddenly had to leave that night why you would suddenly not want to hang out with me when we spent most of the summer together." she said

"Because I"m in love with you Holly." He blurted out to shut her up

She looked at him confused and said "What?'

"Everytime I get around you I find myself wanting you more and more Holly all summer long we spent so much time together and I saw it in our pictures that night that you did have your on wall. I started to see you in a different light Holly." he said 

"You love me? But I.." she got cut off as he said "Shut up.." as he grabbed her cheeks and he kissed her and she started to kiss back. He pulled her on top of his lap as he grabbed her ass and he moaned as he rolled his tongue in her mouth and she followed his lead as they continued to make out. He laid her down without breaking the kiss and he started to massage one of her breasts as he slid his hand up her dress and he whispered "So perfect baby."in between kisses. 

He started to move down to her neck and her eyes began to roll as he started suck and she whispered "oh god Bucky..mmm" 

He came back to her lips and he said "You ok." 

"'s just um you um love me?' she said

"I do baby I pushed you away cause I was afraid of what I was feeling." he said 

"But I'm only 14." she said 

"I know baby but I can't help how I feel about you." he said as he kissed her. 

She smiled up at him and he said "Be my girl baby." 

"Yeah I'll be your girl." she said as they started to kiss again. 

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