Chapter 8

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It was the night before her due date and she was laying on the couch waiting for Bucky to get home. She was having contractions and she was in a lot of pain and crying as he came in and he said "Baby what's wrong."

"I'm in labor." she said 

He helped her up and said "Ok baby let's go." 

He held her hand and drove them to the hospital and they got in the hospital. They sent her up to labor and delivery and got her hooked up. They let her have a epidural and then she felt so much better. Bucky laid beside her on the bed and he whispered "I really hope our moms aren't here tonight." 

"Me too" she whispered as she looked up at him. 

She was able to get some rest as Bucky held her hand and watched the football game that was on. Meanwhile at the nurse's station Winnie and Sarah were working and another nurse handed them Holly's chart and said "I'm off for the night." 

"Thanks" Sarah said then she saw the last name and dropped it.

"Sarah what's wrong?' Winnie said 

"It's Holly.." she said as she hands the chart.

"Holly Belle Barnes.." Winnie said as she read the chart. 

They assigned her another nurse cause they knew that they couldn't be in the room. A few hours after Holly was there it was time to push. They could hear her screaming in pain as the epidural had wore and Sarah was crying as she heard her little girl screaming in pain. Winnie hugged her and prayed that her son was doing ok.

"Holly baby you are doing so good baby she's almost here" he whispered in her ear. 

Then they heard her little cry and Bucky cut the cord. They laid her on Holly's chest and she said "Hey my little princess." 

Bucky looked at her as she made cooing noises and he said "My little dollbaby." 

"Mollie Ann Barnes." Holly said as she looked up at Bucky.

"Perfect baby." he said as he kissed her. 

They took her to the nursery. Sarah and Winnie both snuck down to the nursery and Sarah said "My god look at her Winnie she's beautiful." then left when they seen Bucky talking to the nurse. 

He came back to Holly's room and he said "She's perfect baby 6lbs 7oz and 19 inches long. They are still giving her a bath. But she does have my hair." 

She smiled and said "Good." 

A few minutes later the nurse came in and said "Alright mama lets see if we can get her to latch now." 

They tried and she was able to latch. Bucky watched her and smiled thought to himself how 7 months ago they were both scared to death to have a baby then they were even more scared when their parents kicked them out but they have made it work and they were about to take it on with Mollie Ann. 

*6 months later* 

They had been on their own for a year by the time Bucky's 19th birthday rolled around. Now that Holly was 16 she was able to get a job she started working at a daycare that allowed her to bring Mollie Ann with her and she got a discount on her daycare price cause she worked there. Bucky would drop the two of them off and then go to his job and then pick them up when he was done. 

Meanwhile Steve came home from school to find his mom crying and he said "Mom what's wrong?'

"Um your daddy passed away this morning. I have no way to get ahold of your sister Steve she's changed her phone number. This was such a mistake kicking them out I had no idea that they were going to shut us out like this" Sarah said

Steve said "Dad is gone." 

"Yeah sweetie.. I'm sorry" she said 

Steve sat back and said "I think I know of a way to get the message to Holly." 

He called Wanda "hey Wanda." Steve said

"What do you want Steve?' she said

"I need you to get a message to my sister." Steve said 

"Um no I will not." she said 

"SHe's my little sister and she needs to know that our dad passed away this morning." Steve said

"She may be your little sister but you lost your right to have anything to do with her when you decided to be an ass to her and Bucky" Steve said 

"Fine.. just tell her about our dad." he said as he hung up. 

Wanda went over to their apartment cause she knew that they were home. She came into their apartment and Holly said "Hey Wanda'

"Hey um I wanted to let you know that Steve just called me and said to tell you that your dad passed away." Wanda said 

"ok well I don't really care he and the whole family can go fuck themselves." Holly said 

Bucky came up behind her and said "I agree." 

She saw the funeral services in the paper a few days later and told Bucky she didn't want to go and he said "I wasn't going to force you to go baby." as he kissed her. 

The morning of the funeral Sarah and Steve both waited for Holly to show up and Steve was pissed that she didn't. He went by Wanda's house and he said "Do you know where they are living?'

"I'm not telling you Steve." she said 

"Damn it did you not tell her about the funeral or anything." Steve said

"I did tell her and she said that you all could go fuck yourselves and Bucky was in agreeance and I have to say so are we. That is why we don't speak to you all anymore." she said 

"Damn it where is my little sister living." Steve said 

Wanda slammed the door in his face and locked it. She called the boys to let them know that Steve was on a rampage trying to find Bucky and Holly. They called Bucky and let him know what Wanda said. 

"Hey baby let's get out of town for the weekend. Let's go to Atlanta for the weekend." he said 

"ok.." she said 

She started to pack their bags and Mollie Ann's baby bed and loaded up his truck and headed for Atlanta for the weekend. 

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