Chapter 9

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*3 months later*

It was now June and Holly passed her driving test and Bucky helped her find a car that he felt was safe enough for her and for her to drive Mollie around in. Bucky fixed it up for her after they bought it and they did all the adult things they had to do it like insurance and stuff like that. Bucky started to take college classes online for business management and contracting and Holly took college classes on line as well for early elementary education so she could be a preschool teacher. 

One day over the summer Bucky and Holly had Mollie with them as they were grocery shopping. They were picking out meat in the meat department Bucky was standing behind Holly as they both had one hand on the cart. Winnie and Sarah were doing their grocery shopping together for the 4th of July cookout they were about to have when they seen their kids and grand daughter. 

"Winnie look" Sarah said

"God she is the perfect combo of the two of them. I wish we could go say hi I miss my son Sarah and I want to know our grand daughter." Winnie said

"Me too Winnie." Sarah said 

 Both Bucky and Holly started to push the cart to go get the rest of their groceries. "They are still so in love with each other "Winnie said

 They seen them at check out as Holly made goofy faces at her daughter to keep her from being fussy so they could hurry up at self check out and go home it was time for a nap. Bucky watched her and laughed and said "Mama is silly Mollie." 

"Mama is tired." she said as she tickled Mollie.

Bucky picked up a pregnancy test that was in the cart and Sarah said "No please no guys" 

"What is it?' Winnie said then saw what he was putting in a bag then said "Oh god no guys." 

Bucky and Holly finished up at self check out and put the groceries in her car and then headed home. While Mollie napped Holly was sitting on the bathroom counter and chewing her lip. Bucky came in and said "You ok?'

"Yeah I'm just worried that we made a bad decision on trying again." she said 

"Baby we can do this." he said 

She smiled and he said "We have managed to do just fine for the past year and half baby." 

"Yeah you are right." she said 

"Besides we are both going to college and we will be done with that before anyone else." he said 

She started laughing and said "Yeah." 

They looked over at the test results and she said "Looks like Mollie is becoming a big sister in January." 

He kissed her and said "Mmm good now let's go take our nap." as he pulled her into their bedroom. 

Winnie and Sarah got home from their shopping trip and James came in and said "Well you two seem like you are pissed off about something." 

"Well we seen our other kids and granddaughter at the store." Winnie said

"You didn't approach them did you." James said

"No we didn't but our granddaughter is beautiful." WInnie said

"What's wrong then?' James said

"Looks like they are doing just fine without our help so much so that we seen a pregnancy test in their cart at check out" Sarah said

"Well that's their decision they will see it's harder with two." he said 

Steve came in right at that time and said "Who will find out how hard it is with two." 

"We saw your sister today and looks like their pregnant again or she might be we saw a test in their cart." Winnie said

"Oh.. well it's whatever I'm never speaking to my sister again after her not showing up to dad's funeral." he said 

They enjoyed their cookout for the 4th of July and Steve's birthday.


*4 months later*

Holly was starting to show as she was shopping for Mollie's first Halloween costume while Bucky was at work. She was picking out costumes and looking at them when Sarah was at the store and seen her belly and walked off. She called Winnie and said "Yeah she was definitely pregnant that day she's showing I just seen her picking out Halloween costumes." 

"Well that's good I guess." Winnie said 

She got Mollie a fairy costume and went home. When she got home she feed Mollie and got her ready for bed when Bucky got home. He kissed her and said "I'm glad to be home baby I'm tired. It was a busy day at the shop." 

"It's a boy." she said 

"Oh baby I am so sorry.." he said

"No it's fine when I drove by to see if you wanted to go you were under a car and you all were backed up so I didn't bother to try and pull you away." she said as she kissed him

"Mmm thank you babydoll for understanding although I would have gone." he said as he kissed her back. "A boy" he whispered as she laid beside him.

"A boy." she said 

"Mm Carter Jackson Barnes." he whispered 

She smiled and said "I like that name." 

"I will never kick you out if you accidentally get a girl pregnant." he said to her stomach

She looked at him and said "Buck we have a problem.." 

"What baby" he said as he played with a strand of her blonde hair. 

"I will get time off from work but um it won't be paid time off." she said 

"Baby you get time off that's all that matters to me I can work out our budget and dip into my savings account if I have to baby it's fine. You need to stop stressing out so much I always have a back up plan you know that." he said 

She wiped tears and said "Baby we need a bigger place and I'm scared that you are going leave." 

"Baby no please don't cry." he said 

He sat her up and pulled her on to his lap and said "Baby I love you just you I don't want anyone else I know you are stressed out but we can do this. I know we need a bigger place and that will have to wait he will just have to share a room with his sister till then  baby ok it's going to be fine." as he hugged her. 


When she had little Carter she had to have a c section cause he was to big to fit in her birth canal. Wanda stayed with her while Bucky worked and helped her with both kids and helped her get around till she healed up after 4 weeks. Then Holly was able to go back to work after the doctor cleared her. Just like with Mollie she was able to take both kids with her and do her college classes at night just like Bucky did. 

Most nights they were up till 1 in the morning doing homework together on the couch which didn't bother Holly any cause was breastfeeding Carter too. She looked over at him one night and said "Buck.." 

"Yeah" he said

"Do you feel like you made a mistake by being with me?' she said

"No baby I don't. I don't think what we have is a mistake or our kids. I don't regret any of it I told you the day I gave you this ring that I wanted to build a life with you I just didn't know that we were going to start so young but I wouldn't trade it for the world baby." he said as he leaned over and kissed her. 

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