Chapter 10

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It has been 2 years since their parents kicked them out and they have managed to get it all done without help. Bucky and Holly had both kids with them on Mother's day Carter was 4 months old and Mollie Ann was a little over a year old at a restaurant celebrating Holly. James had taken Winnie and Sarah out at the same restaurant. 

They were sitting at their table when James seen them at their booth with Mollie Ann in a high chair and Bucky holding Carter up on the table. Winnie said "James what's wrong?' when she seen tears and he said "Winnie that's not our son over there with Holly is it?'

"That's them James. That's the family they have been building without us." Sarah said 

Bucky leaned over the table and kissed Holly with a smile on his face. Winnie said "James you thought that by kicking them out that they would fall apart or they would come running home when they hit their first bump in the road and I think all it did was make their relationship stronger." 

They all ate their food and Bucky paid for their dinner and left. He was putting Mollie Ann in her car seat and then he opened the door for Holly and she kissed him and said " Best Mother's day ever" 

"MM good baby." he said as he kissed her back. 

They got in her car and went home. 

When James got home he sat there forever staring at Bucky's baby pictures and Winnie said "What is it James?'

"Their little boy looked so much like Bucky when he was a baby." he said 

She smiled and said "he did you miss Bucky." 

He laughed and said "I miss my best mechanic and I miss having him here to watch football with. I know now that I probably was in the wrong that I probably over reacted." 

"Maybe James but he's never going to be able to forgive you." she said 

"I know." he said 

That night James tried to decide the best way to get his son to talk to him. Holly and Bucky were dancing around as they finished up school for the year. 


It was Holly's 18th birthday and Bucky upgraded her engagement ring to a more grown up ring. They had a blast with the kids and then there was a knock on their door. Bucky went to look in the peep hole and said "How in the hell did they find us." 

"Who baby?' She said 

"Our parents." he said 

"What?' she said

"Yeah." he said as he unlocked the door and opened the door.

"Can we help you" Bucky said 

"Buck.." Steve said 

Holly said "Come on Mollie Ann and Carter let's go in our room." as she took them into their bedroom and shut the door. 

Bucky said "How did you find us?'

"Um we looked on Holly's medical chart at the hospital from when she has had the kids." Sarah said 

"You all lost your right to be grandparents or anything like that when you decided to kick us out." Bucky said as he walked away from the door. 

"But as you can tell we are just fine. We are both working and doing online college together and she has her own car to get her and the kids to and from work and I'm working full time too." Bucky said 

"James Buchanan I just want my son back I made a mistake by doing what I did and I'm sure if Bryan was here he would agree with me." James said

Winnie looked at her son and said "James do you have any idea how many times me and Sarah have seen you two out with the kids and how much it kills us to not be able to walk over to you. How bad it killed Sarah to hear her daughter scream out in pain when she was having your daughter. OR how bad it killed us both when we seen her in the nursery. When we seen you all one day and saw that she was buying another pregnancy test all we could think was this is when it's going to happen they are going to call us cause two kids is harder than one." 

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