Chapter 7

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When Holly was 5 months along they found out that they were having a little girl. They didn't let their parents know they were doing just fine on their own. They were sitting at home since Bucky had the day off cause she had a doctor's appointment. 

"I love you Bucky." she said 

"I love you too darlin. And I love this little darlin moving around in here she's going to be tiny dancer just like her mama." he said as he had his hand on her stomach. 

He kissed her and said "I can't wait to marry you baby." 

She smiled and said "I can't wait to marry you either.. but you do know that you have to wait a another 2 years cause you are 18 now but I won't be 18 for another  2 years." 

"Actually about that. I was talking to one of the guys at the shop and said that we could get you emancipation papers that your parents can sign it's like a divorce from your parents." he said 

"Really." she said

"We could go look into that with Wanda's mom she's a lawyer. Since they are the only ones that still speak to us." he said 

"Ok.. yeah I would like to do that." she said 

"That way we can get married." he said as he kissed her. 

"Mm Holly Belle Barnes." she said 

He laughed and said "Sounds perfect baby." as they started to make out on the couch. 


* 2 weeks later*

Sarah was checked the mail and saw that she had a letter from Ms Maximoff's law office. She opened it up and started to read the letter and saw the papers attached. She saw where Holly signed them and she said "Oh my god." 

She called Bryan Holly's dad and he came over and said "What's wrong Sarah?'

"Holly wants to be emancipated look at this Bryan she's already signed the damn papers." she said 

"Well if that's what she wants Sarah we have to let her do it we said that this was the best thing for her and Bucky." Bryan said as he signed his name. 

Sarah said "My baby is 15 years old Bryan she's out there somewhere with her boyfriend pregnant I have no idea what the baby is and their friends have shut Steve out." 

"And Sarah we all agreed this was the best thing for them" Bryan said as he hands her a pen. 

She sighed and signed the papers and put them in the envelope that they came with and put them in the mailbox. 

A few days later Wanda's mom let Holly know that everything had been signed and approved. She had given her copy of them so if she did anything that required parent permission that she had something to show that she was no longer under parent guardianship. Bucky came home and she had dinner ready for him and she said "Guess what baby."

"What?' he said 

"I'm officially my own guardian." she said with a smile

He started laughing and said "You are so damn adorable with those dimples. But now we can get married"

"Yes we can!' she said 

Wanda took her to find a dress with Hope and they bought it for her. They put their engagement in the paper and Sarah was sitting at the hospital when someone came up to her and said "Congrats." 

"Congrats on what?' Sarah said

 They handed her the paper and said "Isn't Holly your daughter?'

She saw in black and white "Holly Belle Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes are engaged to be wed this weekend." 

She whispered "Oh my god..." 

Winnie came up behind her and read it and said "How is she doing that without your permission." 

"She had Natalia draw up papers for me and Bryan to sign to give up our rights." Sarah said

Winnie said "Do you know what the baby is?'

"No she hasn't spoken to me since they left. I keep waiting for that phone call that things aren't go well." Sarah said 

That weekend at Wanda's house on her family's farm land Bucky and Holly got married. Sam gave her away and he was Bucky's best man and Wanda was her maid of honor. Their first dance was to "From The Ground Up' by Dan and Shay. 

Wanda looked at Clint and said "I'm so happy for them. I knew a long time ago that they would end up together. Bucky was always looking out for her and never let her feel left out." 

"That he did." Clint said 

As they were dancing he said "Baby I promise when we have enough money I will make it up to you that we don't get to go anywhere for our honey moon." 

"Baby I don't care. I'm just happy that I have you for the rest of my life." she said 

He kissed her and said "yes you do baby. My favorite person in the whole world is you." 

They thanked their friends and their family for coming to the wedding and went home to their apartment.  

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