Chapter 6

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Sarah was making breakfast on Valentine's day morning before Steve and Holly had to be at school. "Holly Belle you need to get down here." Sarah yelled up the stairs.

Steve came down and said "mom she's still asleep." 

"What? I went in there and woke her up like 30 minutes ago to tell her that I made breakfast." she said

"Well then she went back to sleep." he said as he sat down and ate. 

She went back to her daughter's room and said "Holly honey you need to get up." 

"Mm but I'm so tired and I feel sick mama please don't make me go." she said

"Honey I'm sorry but you gotta go." Sarah said

She got up and walked down stairs just as she walked into the kitchen and smelled breakfast she made a beeline for the bathroom. Sarah said "Holly Belle are you alright?'

Bucky walked in right at that time and said "I thought I smelled breakfast where's my valentine." 

Steve said "Puking her guts out in the bathroom." as he pointed to the bathroom.

Bucky walked in and saw Sarah holding her hair back and he swallowed hard and said "Is she ok Sarah."

"I think so." she said 

After she finally finished Bucky helped her upstairs and got her to lay down. "I'll stay home baby I'll take care of you." he said 

"Bucky." she said 

"Yeah baby." he said

"Come closer." she said

He scooted closer to her and she leaned in his ear "I'm late" she whispered.

He looked at her and mouthed "Your period is late."

She shook her head yes and he said "Oh god.." 

He ran downstairs and said "Sarah I'll be right back I'm going to go get her some ginger ale and soup and crackers." 

"Ok sweetie." she said 

He went to the dollar store and got her a pregnancy test and all the stuff he told Sarah he was getting and then came back to their house. He ran upstairs and shut her door and locked it and she said "Did you get it." 

He pulled it out and said "Here." 

He started to pace while she was in her bathroom and she came out. "We have to wait 2 minutes." she whispered. 

She sat down on the bed and put her phone on the nightstand. He sat beside her and he said "God Holly baby I am so sorry this is all my fault." 

"Shh... it's my fault too. I wanted sex for birthday." she whispered 

"But baby we have been doing it without condoms cause it feels so good." he whispered. 

The two minutes were up and they both went into the bathroom and read a positive test result. She closed her eyes and he whispered "I am so sorry baby." 

"We need to sneak out and go to the doctor baby." she said 

So she got dressed and since her mom was asleep cause she worked nights at the hospital they were able to leave. They headed to her doctor and she was able to be seen as a walk in. She told the doctor the symptoms she was having and then the doctor checked her over and then started up the ultrasound machine and she said "Oh yeah definitely have us a baby in there. Almost 9 weeks due in September." 

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