Chapter Seven-Lucky Girl

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"I thought you said we could see her!" I scolded by big brother. I searched his mind. It was practicly shut off. That was me, yesterday. I slapped him across the face and poored my coffee on his. Decaff of course! That woke him up. He stood up and snarled. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR! MY GIRLF-....ZEE IS IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOUR-" I drowned out his voice after that and finally put 2 and 2 together. I couldn't speak I was so shocked so I screamed at him through my mind, 'YOUV'E BEEN LIKE, WITH, MY BEST FREIND AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK ONCE TO TELL ME ABOUT IT?!?! WHAT ABOUT VIOLET AND PINK DO THEY KNOW?! DOES ZEE EVEN KNOW? WHAT ABOUT YOU?!? DO YOU KNOW!?!' I stopped my rant short. How much do they really care about each other? "Alot." I snarled at him through clenched teeth, a warning, he went and hid behind a chair.

I tried to forget about my brother and his GIRLFREIND and realized my earlier worries. "When can we see her?" I asked Violet, for she had just came out of Zee's hospital room. "Now if you like." But before she could even finish, Rico ran past her with a smile on his face, and worry in his eyes. I growled under my breath and followed at a reasonable pace. I stopped at the door way. Izzay looked horrible. Plastic tubes up her nose, I.V. in each hand, hair stringy and greasy....I shuddered and walked over but my brother was already where I had wanted to sit. I warned him through my teeth yet again. Zee heard me and stopped kissing my brother. She blushed. My eyebrows shot up, due to the fact that my eyes had almost popped out of my head. Vampires don't blush. "She just ate." Rico told me quietly, showing me 2 fang marks on his neck. Zee-Zee blushed again. She looked down and murmured something to my brother. "Nothing to be ashamed of love." He kissed Izzay's cheek and went on, "You are who you are." He put his head in her lap. She sat up, but still laying down, kind of like the couches you find in therapy. She looked at me, "I guess he told you" She looked down and giggled nervously. "Actually I had to read his mind. I would have happily heard it from you Zee." I snarled at Rico again, for he had tried to retort something at me. "I guess I'll have to do with having loved one's who don't trust me. *SIGH* OH WHOA IS ME! *SIGH SIGH SIGHHHH*" I was being overly dramatic and they knew it. Zee rolled her eyes and giggled, looking slightly less sick. I smiled my Belle smile, and it quickly erased of my face.

I pointed to my twin. "You, OUT!" I snarled at him and lunged, he spun out of the way and rushed out of the room. I closed the door behind him. I looked at Izzay and smiled, "Okay, When did it happen?" She looked confused. "When did what happen?" I sighed, impatiant. "WHEN DID YOU BECOME THE LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD?!?" I smiled at her with all of my teeth showing. She blushed and looked down, not speaking more than a murmur, "Well, actually just the day he went on his directing trip. Then the day he came back we kindof got a little closer. And that's it. Guess it was building in us for years." She smiled now, looking at me with happy eyes, flushed cheeks, and a big toothy smile, exposing her fangs." I was so happy for her that I screamed. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! OMG! AHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHHHHHH!!!"

Everybody rushed into the room, worried. I laughed. "Did you tell them the good news?" I asked my brother and best freind. Zee blushed and looked down, while Rico grinned at me and shook his head. "What news?" Violet and Pink asked in inusion. Funny really. Exact opposites, yet not only from each other, but from themselves. Zee looked at Bubby (I called him Bubby again because I am no longer angry) and asked, "Would you like to tell them? They are your family." Rico sighed and looked at her and gestered to me, "May she do the honors?" crooking his eyebrows devilishly, cocking his head to one side. Zee giggled and bit her bottom lip, nodding. I screamed again, and Fluffy looked at me with concern, now on my shoulders. I kissed him on his cheek and explained the whole thing. From top to bottom. From me getting angry at Bubby but then calling him Bubby once more.Pink screamed loader and squeakier than I had and Violet looked happy but peaceful thinking, 'Finally! I was wondering when this would finnally happen. I've been waiting almost 3 years now!' I looked at Violet, "YOU KNEW!!"

My Vampire, Izzabelle Vampilla.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora