Chapter Fiveteen-Meeting Rosie

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I awoke with a start. I shivered, what was that dream all about? "Hey Ash?" I asked. No answer. "Hannah??" I asked. No answer. I looked around me. No Fluffy either. I ran from the tent and saw everybody sitting on the ground in a circle with a peice of paper in the middle. I walked over and sat by Fred.

"What's goin on?" I whispered in his ear.

He whispered back, "We're looking at a map."

"Map of what?" I demanded.

"A map of France. Violet had another vision."

"Awesome, what did she see?" I asked.

"She saw a house and a map at his desk. She went out and bought the same map."

"So how are we going to get there and everything?" I demanded

"Well," He began. "We are going to drop Ashleigh and Hannah back at their houses because it will be to dangerous. And then we are going to bye a whole bunch of donor blood for Zee. We're all out. Then after we buy the blood we're going to see what else Violet see's. But intill then we'll just have to keep moving through the forrest."

I nodded and tried to pay attention to what the others were saying. But they were talking so low that I didn't catch a single word! I sighed and looked at the map. FRANCE was written really big in cursive across the top, with a country underneith it. Must be France. I shuddered. Man! It was cold out here in the woods. Fred saw and put his arm around me. He was so warm! I leaned into him and cuddled him a little bit unintentionaly. He didn't seem to notice.

"Hey Bubby?" I asked. Rico looked at me.

"Yes Belly?"

"When are we going to drop off Ashleigh and Hannah?"

"Hmm....Why don't we all get dressed and we can do that now."

We all nodded and ran off to our tents. I put on a rainbow tie-dye type stripe tank top and a long sleeved yellow shirt undernieth it. I put on jean short-shorts and thicker black hightops to keep my legs warm. I slipped on my collar and gloves and draped fluffy around my shoulders.

I skipped outside, Fred already sitting out there looking at the trees. I walked up next to him and looked to. They were some good lookin trees... Bubby came over and kissed my forehead. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey." I prolonged it for some reason. Fred and Bubby both chuckled at this. Everybody else came out, including Zee. Zee had a thick looking, black blanket around her shoulders and high fuzzy boots along with warm looking jeans and a thick red hoodie. I was almost jealous. How come she gets to be so warm? I dismissed this thought and went back to staring at the trees.

I was scooped out of my day-dream when somebody grabbed my hand. I looked up the arm to see Fred smiling down at me. I smiled a shy smile back. Didn't he know Bubby would kill him! I didn't want him to die! He has such pretty eyes..... I heard Bubby chuckle. Oops. Forgot to sheild my mind. I turned deep red and was suddenly glad I kept my hair down. It would help hide my blush.

Fred dragged me off to wherever it was everybody else was going already. We weaved through the tree's. Running super quick. Ashleigh was on Vi's back and Hannah on Pink's. Zee was getting bridal style'd. AGAIN. I sighed and tried to rip the thought from my mind. Oh well. She wins. I felt tears well up as I realized this and quickly blinked them away before they could spill over.

I focused on not running into any tree's and looking stupid in front of everybody. Even the monkey's uncle and grandma's dog! LOL! I stopped when I saw Ashleigh's house. We dropped her off and ran to Hannah's. We dropped her off as well. I had given them each a hug before we were on our way. We ran back to and through the forrest. We ran probably around 15 miles intill we saw somebody and stopped at least 10 feet away from them. It was a girl probably 12 or 13. She had light blonde hair that flowed down to the middle of her back. She had black irisis and a baby blue dress that complimented her pink cheeks. I looked up at Fred to see what we were going to do about her.

He was drooling. His eyes were wide. His mouth dropped open. The girl giggled "Hi! I'm Rosalie Black. You can call me Rosie! Teehee!" OMG This girl was faker than artifical flavoring! "Well ROSIE." I spat. "We'll just be on our wa-" I got cut-off by a Fred saying, "Hello Rosie, My name is Fred." He put his hand out so that she could shake it. When she touched his hand he sighed and practically melted. I suddenly hated this ROSIE character. Why did Fred think she was pretty and not me! I looked at Freddy and practicully melted myself.


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