Chapter Eleven- Tears

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The inside of my eye-lids turned red. Somebody had turned on the lights in the middle of the night. The door slammed. I opened my eyes, startled. Bubby turned to me surprised, then apologetic. "I'm sorry Sissypoo, I didn't know you were in here." I stretched. I looked at Bubby again. The undernieth of his eyes were red and puffy, for he had been crying. He heard my thoughts and hid his face in his hair. Silent tears ran down his cheeks. "BUBBY!" I shouted, startled. I had never seen my brother cry. "BUBBY! WHATS WRONG?!?" I ran over and hugged him tightly, him returning the hold. He sobbed, trying to hold them back. I stroked the back of his head. "BUBBY! TELL ME!!" I demanded, trying to be comforting but mostly, I was scared. Had something horrible happend? He nodded. I was hyperventalating.

"We have to.......get to ....... the vamp.....ire doctor...." He whispered between sobs, sounding in pain. I kissed him on the cheek. "Calm." And he did. I took deep breaths, for if I did so did he. "Now," I soothed. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" I took his face in my hands. He took a deep breath and started. "Zee won't drink any blood and she's starving to death. What she does drink gets thrown up and if this horrible, gruesome," He made a disgusted sound in the back of his throught. "If this disease goes any longer than my Zee-Zee could-" He broke off in a fit of histerical sobbs. I held him close, my eyes popping open wide.

"OKAY OKAY!" I tried to calm him down, "Where is this doctor exactly?" He cried softer, not entirely stopping. He tried to speak but I didn't understand a word of it so I went to his mind. 'Way far away and nobody knows percicly where so it'll be surprising if we can find it but your always up for an adventure-' I broke off of his thoughts screaming "ADVENTURE! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO? LETS GO!"

I rushed out of the room and packed everybody's bag. We needed more people on our adventure. Adventures ALWAYS need lots of people. "DIIIIINNNNG!" I shouted and picked up my cell. "HANNAH BROCK! HEY BUDDAY! WE ARE GOING ON AN AVENTURE!" I shouted into the phone. "Adventure you say? I'm there!" She sounded excited, making me grin. I called Ashleigh Marie Simanek next....she sounded much like Hannah. I grinned even more, much like with Hannah. Maybe we would run into more people along the way....

I packed Ash and Hannah's bags. I got ready and pulled everybody out the door. This was gonna be fun!!!!!!!

My Vampire, Izzabelle Vampilla.Where stories live. Discover now