Chapter Thirteen-Camping

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I shared a tent with Fluffy, Hannah, and Ashleigh. I splattered paint on my tent with Fred. It looked kewler that way. Not cool with a C though. The C stands for Constipated. My tent did NOT have turd problems! So, anyways. Zee and Rico shared a tent (which I hated, but Pink insisted) , and so did Pink and Vi. Nikky and Fred shared one. Fred was one of the only people I could trust alone with Nikky. He was my little brother. He is so adorable... Sorry, Off track again. So I told Hannah about the Zee problem and she comforted me and told me not to fret. Ashleigh was worried as well as me. Not that I blame her.

It just accured to me that you don't know what my freinds look like. Hannah has light brown hair, almost blonde but not too blonde. You can't even tell it has blonde it is so brown. But very light brown. Like driftwod, maybe.....It's cut right underneith her ears. Very short. She has kind eyes that always sparkle when she laughs, and they sparkle alot. She's very funny and loves to laugh. She is very tall! Ashleigh looks as if she is the exact opposite of Hannah, when she really isn't. She has dark dark brown hair, but the ends are lighter because she once died them blonde. She has blue eyes, not sky blue but not ocean blue either. She's really funny and loves to laugh, another fact that she and Hannah aren't different. She looks exactly like her mom. Spittin image, not kiddin.

We sat and laughed all day, and before I knew it it was dark outside. I sighed and unpacked my favorite green Bass Pro Shop pajama shirt and soft yellow jammie shorts. I got changed and put my daytime clothes back in the bag, on the bottom. I walked out, wanting to see Bubby. I walked the 10 yards to his tent and wondered what I should say to him. 'Dang there are so many trees here.' I thought about telling him. I would sound stupid, we were in a forrest! But it would be funny, he would smile crookedly and laugh.I realized I was already at the tent.

I froze as soon as I opened the tent flap. Zee looked so pail and weak in the sleeping bag on the tent floor, all wrapped up in her warm little cacoon. Bubby had been staring at her face, but now turned his head to look at me. He attempted to smile, his eyes looking sad. "How's my favorite girl?" Bubby had just made my day, that was my favorite question. I half-smiled and half-raised my right hand.Zee murmured something that I didn't hear, stealing Bubby's attention away. I frowned. Bubby nodded. "I know Zee-Zee. I'll get you some. Belle will you watch my Zee-Zee for a few seconds while I'm out? I have to-" I inturrupted then, "I know, I know, You have to get something." I smiled at him slyly. He rolled his eyes, kissed my nemisis on the nose, and left to wherever it was he was going.

I looked at Zee. She was hideous. Sad, but I was glad she wouldn't be that much of competition. But, her pitifullness made me hate her a little less, so it must make Bubby love her more. Poo illnesses. She was practicully tanslucent, she was so pale, Her clothes were covered in grime and blood. Her hair was stringy and greasy, and her fangs were stained pink from the blood she drank, and vomited back up. Her face was a greenish color, along with the usual beauty, which was always there. Stupid vampire. Always being all pretty and gorgeous. Makes me wanna vommit.

Rico walked in with a steel cup, with a steal lid, and a steel straw. Maybe Zee wouldn't bite through it. She grabbed it from his greedily and started sucking down on the straw greedily. I wanted to run from the room and gag, seeing my lunch for the second time. This was absolutely repulsive. The sucking sounds and the blood-lust in her eyes was just to much. Yet, I couldn't move my feet. Why?

Zee got an angry look in her eyes and threw the empty bottle out of the tent, wherre it hit a tree and exploded. Dang. Zee growled and thrashed at the sleeping bag, trying to get out of her cloth cacoon. My eyes bugged out of my head. Help! I screamed in my head, but not letting Rico hear my thoughts. Me feet still wouldn't move. Stupid feet. Rico walked over to Zee and calmed her thrashiing. He soothed her, and soon, she was in her cozy, cloth cacoon and fast asleep. Bubby and I sighed. I bid him goodnight and walked to my tent. I laid down and forgot all about all of the Rico, Zee, France nonsense, only to have a dream.

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