Chapter One- My name is Belle

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It was a dark and ,of course, gloomy Friday on the roof of the middle school building, where detention was being held. There were 5 of us pre-teens up here in D-Hall. Or D-Roof, as you'll hear me call it, Several times. I sat over in the corner with my bestest pall Zee or Izzay as I call her. I was amusing my self by balancing a pencil on the end of my nose. I was so awesome, just sitting there, rocking my new rightous orange and purple polka dot tank-top. I had rainbow zebra print short shorts and of course my new green and yellow plaid hightops. They were much to high to call high tops. So I call them butt tops, they were 2 or 3 centimeters below my butt cheeks.

My hair was a bright, snowy, white color. With no traces of grey. I was only 12. My hair shimmered and was up in three pigtainls but still halfdown. 2 pigtails on my left, 1 on my right. I had big happy face beads holding up my hair. I had my knuckle-high leather gloves. Made me look dangerous. I likey. I had my everyday black collar that I wore everyday. I didn't want to do something too adventurous and then get lost! I had blue lip stick on and my eyes were usually brown. But.....I was wearing my orange contacts today. I don't have seeing problems though. I had thick black eye-lashes that got me into 'brothers favorite girl' at home.

I didn't have parents. But who needs them! My 2 brothers, 2 sisters, my snake Fluffy, and I are all the family I need. Not to mention my good old pall o' mine, Zee. Izzay always had blood red eyes and 2 sharp, white fangs. TeeHee. Zee wore red lipstick, even though the blood she drank was enough to make them good and red. She didnt care. She wore her favorite red shirt that fell half way to her knees over her blaack skinny jeans. She had red and black high-tops. They only went half way to har knee. Got to admit she looked good. Her shaggy black hair hung in her eyes and down the middle of her back. Vampires always look good though....

Wait a minute! I forgot! You guys don't know what happened at all before D-Roof! You don't even know my name! So lets go back to 3:15. Right when school ends and kids were getting released. Here goes!




"RRRRIIIINNNNGGGG" Screeched the bell, Telling all the 7th grade bus student to move their butts out of the school district in to there busses. "Good bye kids." said Mr. Perez, our social studies teacher. (p.s. you prounounce it like this = mister pedez) "Now Go Home!" He shouted. Some pre-teens packed quicker, while others laughed and went slower or at the same pace. I packed my stuff, put my feet on my desk and arms behind my head. I got comfortable for the 10 minute wait untill the pickups or walk homes could leave. Of course I wouldn't be going home. I had to go to D-Roof with Mr. Perez. A couple of the boys started to talk about football. I recognized them just by their voices. Will, Dylan, and Timmothy. Nice kids, I guess. I tried to pay attention to their sports junk but decided it was to boring and my focus faltered. This was going to be a long 10 minutes.

"Belle!" I woke up immediatly, shouting and falling out of my seat.I put my right hand to my forehead, a salute. "Sir, Mr, Perez, Sir!" He gave me a look and rolled his eyes. I smiled, my snake tooth showing. (dont worry I'll explain my tooth later!) I grabbed my stuff and said "So Mr. P. How'd your day go?" I asked not able to stop smiling. I'm just a smiley person i guess. ;D Mr. Perez looked like something that looked like a smile on his face but then it faded. Must be gas. "Good. Yours?' He answered and then asked. I smiled and pointed at my mouth. "What do you think?" I asked and laughed, throwing my head back. He smiled again. I smelled the air. Nope. Not gas. A geuine smile. Don't get much of those any more.

When we were finally at the top of the building I waved at Mr. Perez and went into the corner. I took out a pencil and started to balance it on my nose. Zee walked over with a questioning look on her face. I shrugged. She rolled her eyes at me and sat down and did homework. Ew. I'll do mine later. maybe get my pet snake to help me with it or maybe feed him a papery snack. (nudge nudge, wink wink) My pat snakes name is Fluffy. Fluffy and I have the same DNA due to me having his snake tooth instead of a lousy one. When I was a baby, I had no teeth. He was on the window seal, just staring at me. Then I smiled. His eyes became wide as he took in my mouth. NO TEETH?! HOW WILL THAT POOR LITTLE BABY DEFEND ITSELF WITH NO TEETH?!? Then he came over to my baby body, pulled out one of his teeth and jammed it into the right side of my top right gums in my mouth. Where it will stay to defend me for all of eternity. I fell asleep thinking of my Fluffy, My gardian, My Brother, my Freind, my love..... I sure had gotten alot of sleep today. (;D)

My Vampire, Izzabelle Vampilla.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن