Chapter Twelve-France

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"Belle, where are we going?!" Vi had asked me this question so many times that it would carry me all through life. Pink and Bubby looked happy to be going on an adventure of any kind. Nikki and Ashleigh looked excited, and Hannah looked just like me, like this was gonna be fun! And Zee, Zee looked kindof dead. Rico was carrying her bridal style (which I hated) and Fred was behind us all making sure everybody was here. We were all carrying our bags and purses and what not, but we still ran very fast. Ashleigh was on my back as I ran, and Hannah on Pinks, for Limbsky'd are not slow like humans. We are quick. Very, very, VERY quick.

Violet inturrupted my thoughts and screamed, "Belle! Where are we going! Tell me NOW!" She was very angry. Not good. Violet was glaring at me, and I'm sure she could see into the deepest depths of my SOUL. I shuddered. "We're going to that Vamp Doc Bubby was talkin about." Violet stopped running all together lookin surprised, "But Belle," She began, "Nobody knows where the Vampire Doctor is." I stared at her, not really understanding a word she just said. Finally I composed myself and was kindof angry. Mostly disapointed. "But Violet! You were born with the knowledge of everything and you don't even know where some Vam is!" It wasn't a question.

Vi gasped and her eyes unfocused. Who was she, ALICE CULLEN?!? Words spilled out of her mouth, her lips barely quivering. "He's in France, but I can't see his face, I have no idea who he is, I can't see his face...." Her eyes focused. "Well kids," I got real smiley, "We're headed to France!" Bubby looked pleased. "Rico, did you bring food, tents, and sweaters?" Rico nodded. I sighed and realized something. Ewww....Sweaters.And then I realized something else, Rico, Zee, France. My brother, alone with his girlfreind (which is my worst enemy) in France.

"Isn't there another Vampire Doc, Vi?" She looked at me perplexed. I let her in my mind. Her eyes flashed with understanding and she looked guilty. "Noo, Belle. There is not another Vampire Doctor that can help Zee." She looked sad at that fact.


"It's getting dark out, maybe we should set up camp." Hannah and Ashleigh suggested in inusion. Everybody giggled or chuckled. We nodded and picked out all of our tents. I put my clothes bag and used it as a pillow. I wasn't very tired so I thought about how to be Bubby's 'Girl Of The Month' again. I miss being all he could think about, he wasn't even overprotective like usual. He didn't say, "Put on sunscreen." or "Wear a sweater." or "Don't even think about a guy intill your 500." I really missed all these comments. I realized I was crying and rolled over so nobody could see me. My eyelids became droopy and my thoughts became blurry. I gently cried my self to sleep.

My Vampire, Izzabelle Vampilla.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang