Chapter Nine-Possessive

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"Zee-Zee, may I speak with you for a moment? Alone..." I smiled adorable and hiccup-laughed. Rico AWWWWWD and pushed Zee foreword. She looked nervous, maybe she's not as dumb as I thought...... I took her hand and led her to my second favorite tree, and sat her down on a branch. Maybe a little too rough.... She's a vampire. She'll get over it. Bubby wouldn't be able to read my thoughts, which was important for what I was going to do. I walked around Zee. Telling her that he was mine, threatening her, scaring her. I stopped behind her and snarled,"HE WILL ALWAYS BE MINE! AND IF YOU STEAL HIM AWAY FROM ME, I'LL DO THIS AGAIN, BUT WORSE." I cut my arm and leg and bruised my head. I wiped some blood on her hands and mouth, framing her. "BUBBY BUBBY!! IT'S HURTING ME!!" I sobbed hard and loud. Rico appered on the scene, along with his freind Fred, whom had green hair green eyes and green clothes. They both took in the scene before them, Rico snarled at Zee as Fred helped me up, gently. I put my head on his shoulder and sobbed. HAHA! Take that you brother stealing LEACH! I made sure Bubby did not hear my thoughts though.

"ZEE-ZEE! How could you? My SISTER!" I liked the way Bubby said sister. Zee studdered in defence, "But...but...she.....and then..." Rico hissed at her, a menacing sound, a beautiful sound. He took me from Fred, and rushed off to the tree house in which we call home. But before we even made it out of the....blood bash, I grinned evily at my Ex-Best Freind. And hopefully, Bubby's Ex-Girlfreind....

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