Halloween special - Jefferson Hatter

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About: Grace has a sleepover with her friends from school but their parents can't look after them. So you and Jefferson look after them.

Jefferson's P.O.V
"Grace darling! Where are you?" I shout from the kitchen. I stop making the tea and look around the house to see where she might be. I reach her bedroom and knock on the door. "Come in Papa!" I open the door and see Grace dressed in an orange coat and wearing a top hat. "What do you think?" My wife asks moving the hat so it's slanted on the side of Grace's head. "I'm You Papa!" Tears start to fill my eyes looking at my two beautiful girls, I've never been happier than I was to have them back. "Y-you wanted to be me for Halloween?" "Of course your my hero Papa." I rush to her and engulf her in a hug. She giggles and wraps her arms around me as I spin her across the room.

"You look wonderful Grace." "I agree, I dare say she has you running for your money my Hatter." I turn and see my wife smirking in the corner. "Oh really? Do you agree with Mama, Grace?" She nods and giggles again, knowing what's coming. "Well then I think I have to go under drastic measures to keep up!" I run towards them picking Grace up and placing her on the bed while I tickle her. I stop when Grace laughs so much she almost falls off the bed. "What about Mama? She hasn't been tickled!" "Well Thank you for reminding me Grace." I turn to see Y/n smirking as I walk up to her. "Good morning darling." "Good morning Jefferson." I lean in about to kiss her when I pick her up, lay her on the bed. She was surprised not expecting me to tickle her. A beautiful laugh erupts from her as she tosses and turns on the bed. "S-stop! Jefferson! Haha" she laughs, flailing her arms.

I stop when she pulls me down into a kiss. After the curse I never thought I would be able to kiss my Y/n again but thank god the curse was broken. At first I was afraid to see my family, I thought they would hate me but when I went to see Grace, Y/n was picking her up and they ran into my arms. It was one of the happiest days of my life to have my loved ones back in my arms. "Papa what's for breakfast?" I pull back from our kiss and sit Grace in my lap. "Well I was thinking about pancakes and bacon." "And tea!"  Y/n and I laugh at our daughter. "And tea." She smiles and runs out the room. "She reminds me of you." "I wish she wouldn't." I sigh at the thought. "Jefferson don't think like that-" "I left you both. I don't want-" "No." She holds my face in her hands so that I'm looking at her. "You wanted a better life for us and you were tricked but you never gave up. Never stopped trying to get back to your family. That's what I hope she would do, never give up and love her family so much that she would do anything to get back to them." She finishes and wipes the tears from my eyes. "You need to forgive yourself my love. Grace and I did that a long time ago. You can't live your life dwelling on past mistakes, live in the present." Y/n was always an optimist, the positive thinker. That was what I remembered every day when I was trapped in Wonderland, what would my Y/n think? "Now let's go, the girls will be here soon and we need to get the house ready." She smiles and follows Grace downstairs.

Today is Halloween and Grace is having some friends from school over for a sleepover. When she asked I was so happy, back in the Enchanted Forest she had no friends but here she had many. When I walk into the kitchen I see my girls laughing and adding maple syrup to their pancakes. "Come on Papa!" Grace giggles. My family, I final have it all.

The door bell rings and Grace runs towards the door. She welcomes her friends into the house and they all exchange hugs. Me and Y/n grab our coats and follow the small group of children down into town for a spot of trick or treating. I always hated coming into town. After all I've done I get many strange glares from people. Especially with these children and Y/n. They don't think I deserve a loving wife like Y/n or a beautiful daughter like Grace and they're right I don't. But I guess it was a miracle that they chose to stay with me. I feel a tug on my coat I look down and see one of Grace's friends "Excuse me Mr Hatter can we go to those houses down there?" She points to a small street with many groups of children running down. "Of course you can." I smile as she runs to tell the rest of the group.

After a while the children started to get tired of running around, so we decided to head home. When we got there the children went to Grace's room to eat their sweets and prepare for bed. "Jefferson will you help me cook dinner for the girls?" Y/n says wrapping her arms around my neck. "Oh course darling. But what do I get as payment?" "Hmm?" She tilts her head thinking and smirks. "I think I have an idea." We lean in and our lips meet. My hands find my way to her waist and I pull her closer to me. When we break the kiss I rest my head against hers. "Thank you. You always make me feel blissfully happy." She blushes. "Well you make me feel blissfully happy as well Jefferson." We decide to make spaghetti and meatballs for the girls.

"I think we may regret having spaghetti for dinner." Y/n says when we finish cooking. I look around at the mess covering the kitchen and nod in agreement. Within seconds we hear the patter of footsteps running towards us as Grace and the other girls rush into the kitchen. "We smelled dinner." They all smile and tuck into the food on the table. Y/n and I decide to eat in the living room to give the girls some space. Well Y/n decided that, she said that we would embarrass Grace if we stayed, which I knew was a lie but I need to learn to let Grace grow up. "Now what should we watch?" She thinks for a minute before I see the light shine in her eyes, that's when I know she has an idea. "How about Sleepy Hollow?" I groan and she slaps my arm. "Come on it's a good film!" "Pft! You only like it because Johnny Depp is in it!" She gasps. "What's wrong with Johnny Depp?" I look at her like she's as mad as I am. "I know I'm mad but I'm certainly not mad enough to go against your love for Johnny Depp!" She laughs so much she almost fell of the couch. "First of all, I love you way more than I do Johnny. And secondly your only as mad as me. My Mad Hatter." I smile and join our lips again. The kiss is full of love and lasts a few more moments before we hear giggles come from the doorway.

We turn to the giggles and see the small group of children. "What are you doing you  cheeky little things?" "We wanted to say goodbye." Y/n laughs and walks up to them. "Well ok but I better not come into the room at midnight and see you all eating sweets." They nod and Y/n kisses them on the head. "Goodnight girls." They all day goodnight and run upstairs. But Grace stays until everyone is gone. "Mama, Papa Thank you for the sleepover. I love you." Grace gives us a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going up to bed herself. "Well I don't think we need to worry about her growing up." I say. Y/n turns to look at me with a confused look in her face. "Because we know when she does she'll still give us a hug and a kiss before she goes to bed." Y/n smiles and snuggles into my chest as we put the movie on.

Three movies later Y/n is peacefully asleep, resting her head on my chest. I'm getting tired to and in know we'll be woken up by squealing little girls in the morning. I carry Y/n up to bed and tuck her in. When I lay next to her she immediately moved towards me making me chuckle. I wrap my arms around her and she sighs. I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. And I whisper sweet nothings into her ear. I see a small smile on her lips and I know she'll have a good sleep. "Happy Halloween darling." I kiss her forehead softly I I don't wake her and slowly fall asleep myself. It's been a truthfully good day.

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