Christmas Special - Chris Beck

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About: it's your first time spending Christmas without your boyfriend Chris. The month has been Hell without him but you get to have a video call with him to get you through the month.

 The month has been Hell without him but you get to have a video call with him to get you through the month

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Y/n's P.O.V
I wake up to a cold bed yet again. I groan as I shift to his side of the bed. I hug his pillow, clinging onto the faint smell of him. It's been four months since Chris went into space. I couldn't be more proud of him but I'm still dealing with him not being here. Sometimes I'll be cooking in the kitchen and shout up stairs that dinner's ready and I'll remember he's gone. But I know he'll be back, that's the thing that keeps me going. Well, that and his weekly video calls. Even if I can't see him in person anything is better than nothing.

Deciding it's about time to get up I drag myself away from Chris' side of the bed and go downstairs. I do my usual routine, put the kettle on while getting two tea cups out of the cupboard. I stare at the two cups for a while, only looking away when the kettle goes off. I carry on making my tea and sit in the kitchen. It was something that I didn't realise until Chris was gone. The silence. It's defining. I was fine living by myself but now after I met Chris I hated being without him.

Still I get on with my day and go to work. I work at the local library. I actually met Chris there. He was looking for a book about space and we got talking. We talked for hours until my shift was over. He didn't let me leave without giving me his number. Now that I think back to it he was very nervous about it which was adorable.

It's time for my weekly video call and I couldn't need it more. I double check my make up, even though I know Chris wouldn't mind what I look like as long as he can see and talk to me. I hear the noise on my computer go of saying that I have an incoming call. I squeal slightly and sit in my office chair. Doing one last check on my hair I answer the call. The first thing I see is Chris' smiling face in the camera. "Hey beautiful!" "Hey baby." I blush and duck my head down. "No come on let me see that beautiful face. I haven't seen you in a week." He chuckles. I move my face out of my hands to see Chris smiling at me. "I miss you so much Y/n." He frowns slightly. "I miss you Chris ." I feel a tear fall down my face. "I'm so proud of you Chris. And when you get back home I swear I'm going to be attached to you for weeks." I chuckle. "I wouldn't mind that." He smirks and sends me a wink. "Not like that. Well..." I smirk and it's his turn to blush. We try to keep the flirting to minimum as the calls go through NASA. He tells me about his week and how Mark is being a pain but secretly I know that he's Chris' favourite. He asks me about my week but not much has happened. Yep my life is pretty boring. But I do tell him about a teenage couple that came into the library the other day. Apparently they met just like us, in the library and wanted to go there for their one year anniversary. He seems to melt at the story but then again it is pretty personal to us. Soon enough we're joking again and talking about the holidays.

"Are you keeping wraped up. I don't want to hear that your sick. You know if you don't try to get better it could develop into something much more serious-" "Baby I'm keeping wraped up and still being healthy. You don't need to worry about me Chrisy." I giggle as he lectures me on being safe. "Well it's snowing there right? Have you made sure the tiers on the car are good? I don't want you getting in a collision. Oh and make sure if your walking anywhere you wear snow boots so you don't slip." His face scrunches up as he goes through all the possible dangers. I do love it when he talks about all these Doctor things. They're interesting but right now he's just worrying for no reason. "Listen I'm being careful in the weather but you have nothing to worry about. I'm the one who should be worried about you. Your in freakin' space!" He chuckles at me. I've missed these little conversations we have and to see him chuckle at some of the nonsense I come up with.

"Hey I put up the decorations!" "Really? Show me." I turn the laptop around so he can see the living room. I put the tree up and the other decorations. "Babe it looks amazing and I see you still put the mistletoe on top of the doorways." He smirks. I always put mistletoe on the doorways. A few Christmas' ago Chris noticed my habit and made sure to bring me into a passionate kiss. I remember being sad as I put it above the doorway because Chris wouldn't be here to kiss me under it. "Hey what's wrong baby?" Chris' voice brings me out of my daydream. "Oh nothing. Just thinking about last year under the mistletoe." I give a fake smile to sell the story but I see him shake his head. "No you can tell me Y/n. Please. Your the only thing keeping me going up here." He looks so serious. But that's just Chris, he's always the first one to make sure if you're ok. I try to move past it but Chris being the stubborn person he is won't let me. "Please Y/n! If you don't tell me then it'll be the only thing I can think about all week!" He whines. "Fine!" I sigh as he looks proud of himself. "I was just thinking about how this is the first year that you won't be here to meet me under the mistletoe." Chris' smile drops and he looks upset, maybe even concerned. "Then it just adds to everything else. Like the small thing I usually to that end up having a big effect. Like I'll go to make myself some tea and I'll get two cups out. Or I'll make dinner and shout for you but your not there. It's all I can see when I come into the house. The absence of you." I get out everything I've been thinking about in my head for the last four months in this one video call. I look at Chris again and he still looks upset but it's like he can understand what I'm going through.

"Funny. I do that too." He smiles looking down. I didn't expect him to be going through the same things. "Really?" "Yeah. It's like you said only small things but they really leave an effect. Like, I'll be waking up and I'll turn to wake you up or to even just look at you and your not there. That's when reality comes crashing down. But then I remember your still with me even if your a million miles away and I have a video call with you every week. Then the big thing that keeps me going, is the thought of you at home, wait for me so when I get home we can make up for lost time." His face is covered in tears by the time his speech is finished. All I want to do is reach through the screen to wipe them and just hold him. "Chris, that's what keeps me going to." I get choked up. "And I know you'll be home with me soon baby." The time of the video call is coming to a close. We say our goodbyes and I send a kiss through the screen. The last thing I see is Chris smiling and saying those three beautiful words to keep me going.

I look at the house in a different light now. Before all I could see that Chris was gone. But now I know he'll be back and I can celebrate Christmas because he's here in my heart and he'll never leave me.

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