Christmas Special - Bucky Barnes

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About: with all the Avengers home for Christmas only Bucky, Natasha and Clint are there to respond to an alert. After the fight they find the reader and decide to help.

Warnings ⚠️: mentions of blood

Warnings ⚠️: mentions of blood

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Bucky's P.O.V
I'm walking down the corridor and I can already hear Natasha and Clint argue about the presents she got for his kids. "Come on! I told you I would get him that, were you not paying attention?!" I walk into the kitchen to get some water but instead I get dragged into this argument. "Ah Bucky I need a second opinion!" Clint pulls me to the kitchen counter. "So do you think Nat should be spending more money on my kids than I do?" "Come on Bucky your smart, you should know how to settle this." I can see Nat is getting fed up with waiting. They're supposed to leave soon and this is just dragging it out. "Well Nat is their Aunt and they do tend to spend more money on presents." "Boom!" Nat celebrates and Clint is devastated. I chuckle at them, if Clint didn't have his wife I'd think they'd be the old married couple. They continue to argue, bringing me into it every so often to add a non-biased opinion before it's clear that Nat had won. I liked that they brought me into their conversations, or just their lives really. It may have taken a while but I finally feel like I'm a part of the Avengers now.

Suddenly an alarm goes off

"What's going on?" I ask turning back to Natasha and Clint. Natasha looks at one of the tablets that's laying about to see if what the alarms about. "There's been an incident in the city. Someone decided to use a powerful weapon and we need to put a stop to it now." Natasha says before going to get ready. It doesn't take long for us all to get ready. I can't believe someone would do this so close to the holidays, there must be hundreds of people in the city at this time. "Let's go!" Clint comes running into the room. We get into one of The Avengers' many jets and head to the city.

It's a quick flight and during the time Clint goes over who we're after. We decided that him and Nat would go to find the person responsible and I would be support. I'd help evacuate people and help anyone injured. I don't really mind but I don't know how people will react. It's been a while since the Winter Soldier and I'm trying to put that behind me. I just don't know how civilians will react. I don't have time to think about this now because Nat has landed the jet. "Alright you two head to the centre of the city. I'll get these people out the way and follow you." They nod and carry on moving. I look around and see a family having trouble running. I go up to them, they welcome the help as I pick up the children and start to run. I help a few more people on the way to a safe distance. I look and see that everyone is ok. I hear a bang and spin around to see half a building falling down. All the people are far away but I hear a shout come from the building. I tell everyone to stay back before running to the fallen building. I start to move the bricks and shout to the person. I hear a small groan and pay attention to that area. Soon I come across a young woman. She's a bit bloodied up but she's lucky she's not too hurt. She reaches out her hand and I pull her out of bricks and carry her to the other civilians. "Hey ok what's your name?" "Y/n" she whispers. "Ok Y/n I need you to stay awake for me. Did you come here with anyone? Family? Friends? Boyfriend or girlfriend?" She shakes her head. "No it's just me." I nod. I carry on running to the group of people and see that everything has become quite.

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