No good for you (pt 2)

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Sorry this has been such a long wait but... I've finished my English Lit GCSE!! Yay! Did terrible but at least it's over!!!

Moment of silence for all the people still taking or about to take exams....

Alright! Back to the imagine! Sorry if this isn't how you expected the end to this imagine but I'll hopefully be getting better at writing as I write more now I have the time to. Hope you enjoy! Xx

Wanda's P.O.V
I wake up and smile as I see the sunlight shining through my windows. It looks like it should be a good day but I can sense an off putting feeling in the air, like something's missing. I try and shake the feeling as I stretch out and stand up. I walk to my door so I can get some breakfast it I stop when I feel something stick to my foot. I look down and see an envelop with my name on. I use my magic to pick it up and open it. I hold it up to read it.

Dear Wanda
I'm sorry I had to go away without telling you why and I doubt I'll be back again. Thank you for being my friend it means a lot to me. You were there for me through everything with Josh. I'd like to ask one more favour of you. Will you please take care of Bucky? I know he's a grown man and he can take care of himself but I know I'll be worried about him. If anything happens tell Fury to contact me. I love Bucky so much that if anything happened to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Best wishes

I can't believe what I'm reading. What's happened between Y/n and Bucky? I knew something was wrong with her yesterday, I should have asked more. I need to find Bucky right now and find out what happened.

I rush out my room and run to Bucky's. I start knocking wildly. The door opens suddenly and I'm shocked at what I'm seeing. Bucky looks awful. He's pale and got bags under his eyes. His hair is messy and so is everything else about him. "What do you want Wanda?" He groans, blinking at the light. "What's going on with you and Y/n? I'm worried and she just left me a letter and now she's gone-" "She's gone?" I nod. He sighs and I can see him become more disheartened. He invites me in and I tell him what I know. "So she left?" A voice calls out. We both look up and see Steve. "Yes! And I need to know why so I can find her." Steve just scoffs. "What? What are you two hiding?" I ask slowly losing my patience as I point at them.

Steve looked at Bucky, who was sat on the bed with his head in his hand. It's obvious he doesn't want to say in front of Bucky so I drag him away from Bucky. "Look if you really want to know then fine. Her and Bucky broke up." I scoff at his comment, "It can't be just that. She wouldn't have left otherwise. Did you have something to do with it? You were the one who told her to come to me when I didn't ask." I watched as Steve became uncomfortable and showed his tell tale signs of lying. "Just spit it out Steve!" The anger is starting to bubble to the surface now, he should just tell me. "Alright well I told Bucky of how Y/n left her fiancé and that if he wasn't carful the same could happen to him. She left anyway leaving him more hurt but now she's gone at least he'll be able to get over her and move on. She wasn't good for him anyway."

"You idiot! You don't know what happened with Y/n and Josh! You only know what she told you! God your lucky I wasn't there  or I would've punched right in your perfect teeth!" I can feel my eyes turn red with anger and I clench my fists trying to not blow up the building by letting it go. "Woah! Wanda calm down. What are you talking about? You know what happened with Y/n and Josh. She just left him and cancelled the wedding. Why are you so angry?" "No! That's not what happened actually. She found out he'd been cheating on her and caught him in the act. He wasn't even sorry about it, blamed it on her!The last couple of years of her life had been a lie. She was the one who had to call all of her family and tell them the wedding was off. She barely made it through. She didn't want anyone knowing because she didn't want to distract all of you or make you feel bad about her. I only found out because her thoughts were so loud and painful. Then when Bucky got here she smiled more and was more positive. I thought you were helping her but now she's gone and I don't even know if she's safe with herself right now! She left because she wanted the best for us because she thought we didn't want her. Now I'm going to go find her to try and fix this mess." I leave the room and make my way to Fury.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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