Hogwarts Express

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The last month of the summer holidays, Phoebe was sitting in her room and read the new books. She tried a few spells and learned interesting things about potions. The book, Hogwarts a History, is very exciting, because you learn a lot about the castle, the school, and its jinxed rooms and furniture. There was said, that there is  a great hall, where all students and the staff eat ant the ceiling should be bewitched, so that it seemed the sky is above you. The stairway can move and sometimes a room appear in front of you. This book is very interesting, thought Phoebe. She also called Hermione a lot of times and they took about things they had learned. They can't wait to go to the school. The first thing both of them want to see is the library, it should be very big.

Time has come and Phoebe and her father left the home and drove to the train station Kings Cross. They took a trolley and gave the suitcases on it. They went to the platform nine and ten and searched for the gate 9 3/4. Suddenly Phoebe saw Hermione with her parents and she ran to her. She explained, that we have to go through the wall in front of her and ran trough it.She did the same and their parents followed them. Phoebe was surprised. Everywhere were witches and wizards, students from Hogwarts and proud parents. Suitcases stand everywhere and owls were screaming. The two girls gave their luggage to the rail-rider and said good by to their parents. Then both of them entered the train and searched for an empty compartment. They just found one with a boy sit in and joined him.

"Hello I am Phoebe and this is Hermione and we are first years, are we allowed to sit next to you in this cabin?"

"Yes of cause, I am Neville Longbottom and I am a first years too."

"Are your parents witches and wizards?", Hermione asked.

"Yes they are, but I live at the house of my grandma and she thought that I am not able to practice magic, until I got this letter."

"Oh ok, we both are new in this world would you like to explain us something we should know?"

"Yeah I could try to. First of all in our world there pure-blood wizards, half-blood wizards and muggle-born wizards", as Neville saw the irritated faces by the word muggle, he explained, "Muggles are non magical persons, like your parents, they can't practice magic. Not all wizards are good, there are a lot of evil ones, who practice the dark arts. I am on the good side and hopefully you are too. Nearly all wizards, who got evil, where in the house Slytherin, so try not to get in this house. You heard about the houses on Hogwarts or?", he questioned.

"Yes we have", Phoebe returned.

"Ok that was about the wizards. There is also a sport in our world, its called Quidditch, it is like football in your world only on brooms and with more balls and other rules. But you will learn about this sport soon."

The door opened and a old lady stood there with a big cart with sweets. Phoebe stood up and bought some sweets, she sat down on her seat and served the sweets out. Neville explained the sweets as well as he could and all of them had a lot of fun. The best was that pictures in the wizard world could move. Suddenly Trixy, Phoebes kitten woke up in her cage and let her out of it. Neville started to look shocked, as Hermione asked him, whats up, he just said he lost his pet, its a toad, he explained called Travor. All three searched the compartment, but with no success, so the both girls went to the other cabins and asked for the toad. No one had seen it but Hermione suddenly stopped in front of a compartment,Phoebe heard her saying: "oh, you try a spell, lets show me" and Phoebe followed her into the cabin. Inside were two boys, one with a shabby rat called Scabbers. The boy began to do magic: "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow" (J.K.Rowling)

Nothing happened so Hermione sat opposite the other boy and mutters: "Do you want to see a real spell?" She pointed with her wand in the boys face and added: "Oculum Reparo". The glasses of the boy fit together again and thanked. Hermiones mouth opened and she mumbles: "Oh my gosh, you are Harry Potter, I am Hermione Granger and this is Phoebe McAlister, and you are?", she asked the boy with the red hair and a  lot of freckles in his face. He replied: "I am Ron, Ron Weasley." 

"Pleasure, we should change our ropes, shouldn't we, Phoebe and you two should do the same as well", with that the two girls went out of the Cabin and went back to Neville.

"Neville guess who is in this train, he is small, thin have black hair, green eyes, have glasses and a lightning scar on his forehead", Phoebe said in excitement.

"You mean Harry Potter is on the way to Hogwarts as well", he repulsed.


They dressed in the Hogwarts uniform and packed their bags. The train went slowly and stopped at a train station. All students went out of the train and Phoebe read the plate written Hogsmead on it. A giant was on his way to the first years, nearly three meters (9.84 feet) high. Everyone was scared about him, everyone except Harry Potter, he waved the giant and he walked down to him Harry said: "Hey Hagrid, you are alright?"

"I'm fine, Harry! First years please follow me!", Hagrid said.

All first years followed Hagrid to the black lake and into small boats. Then all of them swim through the lake to the castle on the other side. Everyone was nervous and interested in what was coming next, also Phoebe and Hermione.

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