Pet or wild Animal?

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It was mid of April, the snow had been gone and the first flowers bloomed. It was getting warmer each day and the fear, that the stone was stolen, was everyday getting bigger. We had to do something, we must know how to pass Fluffy, and the answer was Hagrid.

"Hey, brother we have to go to Hagrid and talk with him about the Stone, we must know, how to pass Fluffy. Do you come with me?"

"Yes, I just ask Ron, have you asked Mione?"

"Yes she comes in a few minutes, she will finish her potion homework!"

"Have you already done it?"

"Yes, you know that potion is my favorite subject, thus I do not like the teacher. I am very good at potion, so it is easy for me writing it. Have you done the homework yet?"

"No I have time!"

"Yeah, till tomorrow!", I said smiling.

An hour later we four exited the castle and walked towards Hagrids hut. We were happier than the last few weeks, because we would see Hagrid again. We talked the whole way down and stopped as we knocked at his door. "Sorry guys, I don't have time to speak today, come back in a month or two", Hagrid said as he opened the door.

"Hagrid we know about the Stone!", Harry said and Hagrid let us in.

"I said you should let it go, it is not your business."

"Yes but Snape try to get it for Voldemort."

"Harry, don't say his name, and you are wrong. Snape is on our side, he has changed and a teacher would never try to steal the Stone. He helped Dumbledore to protect the Stone, so why should he take it?"

"Of cause, there are other spells and charms, which protect the stone", Hermione added.

"Hagrid we must know how to pass Fluffy, in case Snape know it."

"I won't tell you just Dumbledore and I know it and no one would ever find out!"

"Ahm, Hagrid, sorry to interrupted you, but what the hell is this thing in your cauldron above the fire?" I asked, as I saw an egg in it. 

"That is not your business, forget everything and go back to the castle, I have no time for your childish actions"

"I know what it is, this is a dragon egg, but Hagrid, where did you get it? My brother works with them in Romania, it is a Norwegian Ridgeback, or?"

"What does it mean, you have a dragon, I thought dragons are not real!" I added confused.

"I won it in the pub, while playing cards. You know I always wanted to have a dragon, and he said he have one and get it if I would win."

"Who is HE?", Ron asked.

"I really don't know, I haven't seen his face."

"Hagrid, have you talked with the person?"

"Yeah we talked about magical animals, I told him about the big snails in my garden and also about Fluffy!"

"You talked about Fluffy?, was he interested in him?"

"Yes a lot, I told him that it is easy to control a creature, you only have to know its weakness. Fluffy for example, sleeps as soon he hears music!"

"Hagrid, how can you tell a foreign person about Fluffy and its weakness! You have endangered the Stone!" Suddenly we heard a crack and looked to the egg, it was splatted, the dragon-baby wanted to come out the egg. Hagrid took the egg and placed it on the round table, then the dragon hatched. It was ugly and hideous, brown and had yellow eyes.

"Where is your mummy, Norbert hmm?", Hagrid asked.

"Hagrid he is a dragon, not a baby!"

" You should leave now, and don't tell anybody about this! Forget the Stone it is save and I swear no one of the staff tries to steal it, ok?"

"Yes Hagrid, bye"

So we walked uphill to the castle and went to the lunch. We talked about the morning in a whispering voice and know that we have to help Hagrid with the dragon. So we went to him in every free time and supported him. We all read a lot of books, but no one knew exactly what he had to do. It got June and we had to learn for the exams, overall Norbert was now as big as Hagrid, he was now dangerous and tried to get Hagrid around, to let Norbert go. One day Ron came to us and sat down in the common room:

"Hey guys, I was in the owlery and got a letter from Charley. He said that he could care for the dragon, some friends of his would come next weekend to Hogwarts and take him with them."

"That is great, we just ´have to tell it Hagrid, it is better so."

It was 11 p.m. Saturday night, Ron was at Hagrids hut to cheer him and Hermione, Harry and I were going to the west-dorm to meet Charlies friends. It wasn't that easy to get there unknown with that big dragon, but we managed it. At point 12 p.m. four brooms were coming in our direction. The guys thanked us and took Norbert and flew away, noiseless. We went downstairs as Mr. Filch caught us. to our surprise was Malfoy next to him.

"Detention the four of you for walking in the castle at night, and 50 points from their house each."

"But we hadn't done anything, we just sleep walker, all three of us!"

"Come with me all four of us"

We thought he would bring us to McGonagall, but it was worse, he knocked at the office of Snape. He opened the door and looked bugged and angry.

"Professor Snape, I have four students, who were walking through the castle this time"

"Thank you Mr. Filch, I will look after them. So Malfoy you have detention tomorrow 8 p.m and now go back to sleep. You three have detention the whole week, starting now! Come in, take a toothbrush and scrub the floor. If the floor is clear you can go sleeping."

"But sir, it is nearly 1 am", I said tired.

"If you can walk, then you can work as well"

It was tree o'clock in the morning as we entered the common room. Ron was sleeping in a chair and jumped up as he recognized us. "Where have you been, what happened?"

"Filch caught us and brought us to Snape and we had detention for two hours!"

"That git, no wonder that he have no friends and had to get to the dark side! I hate him so much!"

"Yes Ron everyone of us hates him", I said. We went to bed and woke up at 9 am. Oh,no I thought.

"Mione we have overslept, we have lessons right now."

"Oh no, we have potions!"

We got up and dressed and walked to the commonroom, Harry and Ron were coming down the stairs. We four hurred down the dungeons!

"Do you think you are special and can sleep as long as you want?", Snape asked.

"No sir, we overslept, because of our detention last night", Harry said.

"Don't speak at me with these words, Potter. Mr. Weasley, you weren't at detention, so what is your excuse?"

I do not like potions, he thought. "Good to know, Mr. Weasley, you can join your friends this week at detention!", he smiled nasty.

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