Fluffy-the three headed dog

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It was now a week ago, till the school year started, today was the first flying lesson. All were very excited, but I think that I was the most. I have never been flying on a broom and now I have to. I was very nervous but also can't await the lessons. To my "luck" we had potion in the second lesson and Snape was gittier than he had been last time. It was only a one hour lesson, so that we just listened, read and wrote the full hour. Ten points were got from Gryffindor because we asked a question, and Slytherin got ten points, because they said nothing the whole lesson, so unfair. Transfiguration a little bit more funny, because we already can transform a pick into a needle, everyone except Neville, he just let his pick burn, time after time.

After lunch we went to the grounds of Hogwarts where the first flying lessons started. We all stood in a row, right side lay the broom on the floor and we had to shout UP, that the broom was coming in our hand. Harrys broom was in his hand a second later, Ron had his problems, but also managed to get the broom before me and Hermione in his hand. As we all had the brooms in our right hand, we were allowed to sit on it and have to fly in the air one meter and back on the ground. We all managed this, all except for Neville, he pushed himself up from the ground and flew very high, he hadn't his broom under control and fall down. Madam Hooch ran to him and turned around to us: "I will bring Longbottom to the hospital wing, none of you will fly meanwhile, or you are expelled faster than saying Quiddich!" and with these words she turned and walked away Neville on her side.

"Look what Longbottem forgot, his Remind Me Ball, if he would have used it, he would be reminded that he forgot something, his brain!", Malfoy said and all Slytherins were laughing. "I think I will hide it in a tree or somewhere, he have to get it himself", Malfoy added.

"Malfoy, give me that ball and stay on earth", Harry shouted.

"No, I won't, but you can catch it if you are able to!" and he pushed himself from the floor up in the air and flew some rounds. Harry took his broom and wanted to swing on it, as Hermione took the word: "Harry please stay on the ground, you will get expelled"

"Sorry Hermione, but I can't"

"You arrogant a**"

"Hermione let him do he want, he will feel the consequences", I said holding Hermiones hand.

Harry followed Malfoy in the air and stopped at the same high-level as Malfoy was waiting for him. He looked at Harry and throw the ball up in the air and far away. Harry saw the ball and flew behind. Malfoy flew back to the ground where McGonagall was waiting. Harry caught the Ball and landed beside McGonagall. "Potter, Malfoy what are you thinking you are doing, both of you follow me, quickly"

"I said they will feel the consequences", I said to Hermione, who tried to hide a smile.

Hermione, Ron and I went back to the castle and met Harry at Dinner in the Great Hall. He smiled at us and sat next to Ron.

"You can not imagine what had happened the last hour", he said, "Malfoy got detention for two weeks and I got detention for one week and I am part of ..."

"Harry say, where are you part of?", Ron said dying for curiousness.

"I am part of the quiddich team, Seeker. I have no idea what I have to do, but the face on Malfoys was it worth." He smiled at us and we began to laugh. We finished dinner and went out to the entrance hall, there we met Malfoy and laughed loud. "It isn't that funny Potter, but I want a revenge, we meet tonight at midnight in the trophy-room for a duell, or are you a chicken?"

"I will be there, the astronomy lessons are canceled anyway, so I'll be there"

"Harry you can not do this, this time you weren't expelled, but next time you will!", Hermione squeaked.

"Let him do what he want, he knows what he is doing and if something happen, it is his problem!", I said, but don't wanted to say, I don't know why but sometimes I feel like I have to say my opinion, even if it hurts someone, this is strange.

"Phoebe, what the hell happened with you, you can't say this about Harry!", Hermione platted.

"I am sorry!" and I went upstairs to the commonroom.

After a few minutes Hermione came to me and looked at me. I tried to hide a tear, but she saw that I was crying. "Whats the matter?", she questioned.

"I don't know, it is only that things happen, that i don't want to happen. I am a little bit rude and cheeky, but somehow I like it, I think that I am in the wrong house!", I told Mione.

"But the hat had chosen you in this house and not in Slytherin, like expect."

"Mione i have to tell you something, but not here, lets go in the dormitories." We stood up and went upstairs.

"Mione I told you about my family, and that they are Muggles and so on, but I have to tell you that these aren't my real family, I was adopted after birth. My mum said, that my real mum had a big problem and she had to give me away, because of my safeness. My real mother died ten years ago. As I was sitting in the Great Hall with the Sorting Hat, he said that I would be good in Slytherin, my father was also in it, he said, that means that the hat knows my real father. I said that I don't want to go in Slytherin and so he choose Gryffindor for me, like my mother."

"Phoebe, it is ok, please don't cry. I feel honored that you had told me that and I swear, that I will be there for you anytime. It doesn't matter where you could be in, important is where you in now! Family is one thing, you can't choose it, but friends are more important and electable. I will always be your friend."

"Thanks Mione, I have to tell you another secret. I sometimes can read somebody's mind and can do things with my mind. My hair length is chosen by myself and I can change it whenever I want. Is that good or bad?"

"Phoebe, if you like it it is of cause good. It is very rare that someone can read minds, but it is a gift. You will see not even a teacher can do this be proud."

"Do you want to go to the library and read some books, Mione?"

"Yes that's a good idea!"

At 12 pm, they recognized, how late it was and got up and walked upstairs. Suddenly Ron and Harry were running to us! "Turn...Run...Filch...Run", was all Ron said. We all ran as fast as we could upstairs, downstairs, upstairs, door right, door left and so on. After a while we ran down a corridor and stopped. There was a door and we wanted in but Harry said, that it was locked. "Alohomora", said Hermione and we walked in the room. We shut the door and waited a while. Suddenly a hand hold mine and I looked at Hermiones terrifying face. Her mouth was open and she stuttered. " I think we are at the third floor aren't we?", Harry asked. He turned around and in his eyes you saw fear. I turned around too and thought I would collapse. It was hot suddenly, sweat was running down my neck, my eyes widened, my mouth gaped open and I felt dizzy. I looked in the eye of a monster, a creature, which looked like a giant dog with three heads. It bare its teeth and its mouth got open. I screamed and all four of us ran out of this room, out of the corridor upstairs and in the common room. We sat down hardly breathing, shocked and tired.

"What the hell was this and what does this in Hogwarts!", Ron asked.

"It was a dog and haven't you seen on what it was standing?", Hermione replied.

"I was to busy to look at its three head"

"It stood on a trapdoor, it is protecting something. But I go to bed, Phoebe come we go", Hermione mumbled.

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