31st Oktober

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The next day all four of us slept until 9 a.m. today was Saturday and we had no lessons. Mione and I got dressed and walked down to get breakfast. As we entered the Great Hall we saw Harry and Ron already sitting on our table. We sat next to them and began to eat. Suddenly a big parcel dropped in front of Harry, a note was set next to the present.

Do not open the parcel at the table.

It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you have got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver wood will meet you in the afternoon on the Quidditch pitch at three p.m. for your first training session. Professor M. McGonagall   --> J.K.Rowling

"Oh, Harry could I come with you, I do not know how the game is played and he will explain it to you, so could I?", I asked Harry.

"Yes I think this one it will be ok!"

After lunch I went with Harry to the common-room and we get his new broom. We walked downstairs to the entrance hall and down the hill to the Quidditch pitch. We were too early so we talked a bit. "You have it great, I mean with your family, you know your parents and they love you, I have just the Dursleys", he spoke suddenly.

"I agree to a certain extant, I mean they really love me and I am happy to have them, but they aren't my real parents. I got adopted after birth, and two years later my real mum died." We got interrupted by Oliver Wood.

"Hello Oliver, Do I bother if I watch you today, it is the only time, I swear, it is only that I never heard about Quidditch before and I want to learn about it. Is this okey with you?"

"Yes, but only for this time!"

"Ok Harry I am just going to teach you the rules this training, then you will be joining team practice three times a week. Quidditch is easy to play, there are seven players of each team, three of them are called Chasers. The big ball is the Quaffle. The Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try to get it through one of the hoops to score a goal. Ten points every time the Quaffle goes through one of the hoops. Now there is another player on each side who's called Keeper,me, he has to fly around the hoops and stop the other team from scoring. There are two other balls the Bludgers, these one try to hit you off your broom, therefore we have two Beaters on each team,its their job to protect their team from these balls and knock them to the other team. And there is you, the Seeker. You only have to catch this golden snitch, if you have it, the game is over and that team gets 150 points extra. Have you understood?", Wood said finally.

"Yes I think I have, ok then we meet us again on Monday, thank you!"

Wood went back to the castle and I stood up and went to Harry. "Do you want to practice? I throw you the ball into the air and you have to catch it, ok", I said. He nodded and the fun began. We played nearly half an hour, we were soaked with mud. I wanted to throw up the ball as I heard someone my name calling.

"McAlister, Potter, what the hell are you doing?", Snape stood next to me with anger in his face, his deep voice resound in my head.

"We are training for Quidditch, sir!", I said looking in his dark empty eyes. Harry landed next to me on the floor.

"First of all you are not in the Quidditch team, McAlister. Secondly I can't see Wood and without him you aren't allowed to fly. Thirdly it is dinner time and you have to be in the castle that time. Ten points from Gryffindor each of you, and detention tonight 8 p.m., don't be late, I am waiting."

We both followed Snape to the castle and went into common room undressed us and walked downstairs for dinner. Hermione and Ron were already waiting for us and we sat next them."And how was the training, where have you been that long, what had happened?", Hermione asked.

Harry Potter - First year in HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now