Harrys first Game

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Everything was black, I recognized that some strong hands elevated me and carried me somewhere. I knew that it was Snape, but it never mind. I opened my eyes, I was weak and a tear dropped down my face. He looked into my eyes and his expression changed and it was strange. I never saw this face like this, his eyes weren't empty, there was pain in it, his expression on his face showed care. I felt my eyes shut again, but longer then before.

As I opened my eyes again, it was morning the next day, Hermione, Ron and Harry sat next to my bed in the hospital wing.

"So you are awake now", Hermione smiled.

"Yes seems like this, what happened?"

"Do you remember the troll of last night?", Harry asked.

"Yes, Ron knocked him out and then the staff was coming and I fainted"

"Yeah that's right, you fainted in front of Snape and he rescued you!", Ron laughed.

"Did we got detention or any punishment? And have you seen the injury of Snape?"

"Ok first Phoebe, we haven't gotten any detention, we only got ten points for Gryffindor each, secondly yes I saw the wound and I think I know what had happened, but I tell it not here", Harry said to me.

"Wow that's cool, we got points for this! Ähm, by the way, Harry don't you have a Quidditch game today, you first one?", I questioned.

"Yes but after lunch, we hoped you could leave the hospital wing before lunch!", Harry responded.

"oh you are awake, how do you feel?" Madam Pomfrey was coming out of her room with some liquid.

"Yes I feel a lot better only a little bit weak!"

"Here drink this and you can leave with you friends, they only should cradle you in the first time"

We walked out of the room and into the common room, a lot people were staring at us, of cause all know what happened yesterday. After lunch Harry went to the Quidditch pitch and Ron, Hermione and I followed slowly. It was a game against Slytherin. We three went to the Gryffindor stand and met Hagrid, we decided to take a place next to him. It was an exciting game, it was the first game I ever saw and it was a fair play. Gryffindor was in the lead and then I saw the Golden Snitch and Harry was flying after it. Suddenly Harry stopped and was making loops and some other dangerous things. It looked like he wanted to dance, but he couldn't fasten any longer. I looked at Hermione and followed her glance and saw the teachers stand, there I saw Snape hexing Harrys broom. Hermione looked at me and said, that she will manage this and few minutes later, Snapes cloak burst into flames. Harry recovered himself and speeds behind the Snitch. Finally he caught it and GRYFINDOR WON!!!

We all went to the common room and celebrate the success, but after a long time Harry came to us and said we have to speak. So we exited the room and searched for a empty classroom, as we founded one, we entered and took a seat next to each other.

"Does anybody know, what happened today on the Quidditch pitch?"; Harry asked.

"Snape jinxed your broom, so that you fall down and Slytherin would win", Ron said.

"I think he hates me really, now he actually wants me dead, he is crazy! By the way, I told you about the injury. I think that Snape let the troll into the castle and as everyone was away, he went to the third floor and tried to steel the thing the dog protect, but he got bit by the monster!"

"Yeah Harry you are right! We have to find out what is under the trapdoor, we have to visit Hagrid tomorrow."

"Yes Phoebe, thats a good idea"

"We should ge back to the dormitories and try to sleep!", Hermione said. And so we left the room and went to bed.

After breakfast the next morning, we four went down the grounds of Hogwarts to Hagrid. We knocked at his door and he opened it friendly and let us all in. We sat by the round table in his hut and watched him, while he pour out tea and gave us some stone-cookies.

"Hey nice to see you all, what makes me the pleasure to meet you all?, And Phoebe, right? I have heard so much about you but never really got you until yesterday, but that was short!"

"Yeah sorry, that I haven't met you until yesterday, I wanted to get you know too, but I hadn't enough time for this, but now I am here."

We talked a lot and drank also a lot of tea and then Harry change the subject for what we are actually here.

"Ähm, Hagrid, we have a question, it is important that you answer it. What does the three headed dog protect?"

"How do you know about Fluffy? It is none of your business, I don't know how you know about it, but forget it. Oh that late, I think you should go now!"

"This monster have a name?"

"Yes, it is my dog"

"Hagrid, I know that Fluffy protect the little thing you got from Gringsgott, someone broke in that vault, that day we emptied it, so it must be something valuable."

"As I said that is none of your business, this is only something about Professor Dumbledore and Nicolas Flammel."

"Who is N.Flammel?"

"I shouldn't say this, now go back to the castle, we talk another time"

-Sorry this was a short chapter, next will hopefully be longer!

Harry Potter - First year in HogwartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang