The Secret is solved

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The next morning Harry and I waited until Hermione came to tell her and Ron the news. After lunch we went down to Hagrid and decided to tell also him. So we traveled down to him and knocked on his door. He let us in and sat down. "Hey guys, tomorrow school again, what do you want to do today, your last free day?", Hagrid asked.

"Harry and I have to tell you something important"

"Yes, we found out that Phoebe is one year olden then it is said and she is my ....... older sister!"

"Oh my gosh, I knew it, your eyes are the same!", Hermione said.

"That are great news!", Hagrid said.

"Yeah, it is cool to have a sister, now I have a family!"

"I never knew, that I had a brother, I didn't even thought about it, I had my family with my two sisters and I love them, but now, that I know we are siblings, I am very happy, I have a little brother."

"I love you like a sister", Harry whispered in my ear.

It was a funny day with Hagrid, we celebrated, talked and had fun. Finally we had to go to dinner and left the hut. We ate at the Great Hall and went upstairs to our common room. We sat there and talked and ate my box of chocolate frogs, we looked at the cards, that were in it and compared the wizards.

"I have Mafalda Hopkirk", Ron said.

"I have Gilderoy Lockhart, he is so beautiful", said Hermione and I agreed.

"I have Victor Krumm", Harry said smiling.

"I have Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!", I said happy.

"Wait, I know I have found N. Flammel, Phoebe give me your card please!", Harry said. He read aloud:

Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on the alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flammel! --> J.K. Rowling

"Oh, how stupid can I be", Hermione said and jumped up, "please wait here, I am coming soon, I just get a book!" and she ran upstairs to our dormitories. after a minute she ran toward us with a very big book. "It is a easy lecture, I borrowed from the library a few weeks ago. Just listen:

Nicolas Flammel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone! The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The Stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal.

There have been many reports of the Philosopher's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flammel, the noted alchemist and opera lover. Flamel celebrated his 665 birthday last year.

"So that is hidden in under the trapdoor, and Snape wants it to get it. It makes him rich, but why would he want to be immortal?", Hermione told us.

"He wants the Stone not for himself, he wants it for Voldemort"

"Harry don't say his name"

"Everyone knows that Snape likes the Dark Arts and I think he is also on the Dark Side. If Voldemort"


"gets the Stone, he can come back and will be immortal, so that no one can ever kill him again. The earth would stop rotating."

"We have to stop it, him!", Ron said.

"But as long as Dumbledore is at the school, no one will try to get the stone."

Then we went to bed early, thinking about what had happened today.

"Mione, do you think Phoebe is my real name, that gave me my mother? I mean you know, what I mean, or!", I said.

"Phoebe, your name is beautiful and even if you would have another name, it wouldn't change a thing, except your calling. You would be the same person as now!"

"You are right Mione, lets sleep!"


On the next day we met all at breakfast in the Great Hall, we just spoke about yesterday as Wood come in and ran towards us. "I have bad news for you, Harry. You know next weekend is the game against Ravenclaw. We have a new referee at this game, it is Snape!"

"Snape? He doesn't know anything about Quiddich and now he is referee, I think he just wants to hurt Harry once again, if he is on the pitch, he nearer Harry and no one can impede him!", I said.

"But I heard that Dumbledore also wants to watch this time, so Snape can't hurt Harry!", Hermione said.

"But he could let it look like a accident", Ron said.

"Everything will get well, thanks Wood for informing me!"

In the first lesson we had Transfiguration. We had to transform a pencil in a worm, very difficult, but Mione had managed it after three tries. I got it after my tenth try. We both got ten points each for Gryffindor for managing this hard transfiguration. After the double lesson we went to her for speaking.

"Ähm Professor, could we speak to you, it is important!", Hermione said.

"All four of you? Yes sure, what problem do you have."

"It is about the Quidditch game next weekend, we heard that Professor Snape, will be the referee, is it true?"

"Yes I stupidly have to agree. I am not in the best mood, because of this choice, but it is how it is and we can't change anything. Professor Dumbledore is there too and nothing will be unfair, I promise, and now go to your next class!"


It was Saturday morning, outside the castle was snow lying and it was bitter cold. Today was the match, but everyone was afraid what will happen when Snape was referee. So all went down to the Quidditch pitch, Hermione, Ron and I sat next to Hagrid and watched the game. This game was so unfair, because Ravenclaw got free kicks all the time and Gryffindor only penalty points. Harry tried to be as far away from Snape as possible and Snape tried to follow him. Suddenly Harry fly fast and then I saw the Golden Snitch, he followed it and nearly crashed into Snape, Mione and I started to laugh. The score was 20 : 70 for Ravenclaw, but only because of Snape and then Harry caught the Golden Snitch. The Gryffendor stand was cheering, it was a good feeling. We won due to the fact, that Snape was referee. :)

We celebrated in the dorm and went to bed late, but we all found sleep immediately, not knowing that a wild animal was in Hogwarts. 

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