First Lessons

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I want to add that I am going to change the narrative prospective from the third person to the first person of Phoebe. Hopefully you enjoy reading! Lets go on with the story. :)

In the early morning I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and sat up at bed. In the bed next to me lay Hermione, my new best friend. On the other side of the room was Lavender Brown sitting in the bed and smiling at me. Two other girls were slipping at this moment on both sides of Lavender. I looked around in my new room and found it quiet comfortable, the colors of the walls were yellow, the beds were red and the other furniture were orange, these were the colors of the house Gryffindor. I got up and dressed and was about what I could do next, as Hermione stand next to me and asked, if I want to look for the library before breakfast. Ten minutes later we exited the Common-room. 

It took us five minutes to get to the library and went into it. There were a lot of bookshelves all over the room. We sat down in a corner and began to read some books. Mrs. Pince the librarian stood next to us and asked us what we are doing here at the first day in Hogwarts.

"Good Morning, my name is Hermione Granger and this is Phoebe McAlister, we both are new at this school and only wanted to see the library. We both love books and are fascinated about the amount of books in here"

"Oh, welcome at Hogwarts, you can come whenever you want, but please make sure you are not that loud, because, you know, it is a library. I think it is time for breakfast now, isn't it?"

"Yes thank you, we go downstairs and eat something, bye!"

And so I went downstairs with Hermione and we entered the Great Hall. Harry and Ron weren't here right now, but we took a seat at the Gryffindor table nevertheless. We eat something and waited for the two boys. After a few minutes the whole hall began to whisper and pointing at someone, Harry and Ron were entering the Hall. Of cause Harry was famous and everyone wanted to see him and talk with him, but as I saw his face, I knew he was bothered.

 "Good Morning Harry, how are you? Hey Ron have you slept well?", I asked.

"Hey Phoebe, Hermione, I am fine thanks, but I hate that everyone locks at me, like I have two faces or so!", Harry replied.

"Morning, the two of you, I have slept well thanks for asking." Ron answered.

Suddenly owls were hooting all over the room. I thought that nearly five hundred owls were flying above us. Every owl was looking for his owner and throw a letter or something else at his lap. Ron got a letter from his mother and the Daily Prophet, a news letter in the wizard world. Harry got nothing, like me and Hermione. Neville got a ball, it was filled with white smoke, Ron said, that if someone forgets something, the smoke will change to red. Neville took the ball and suddenly it was red, typical Neville. Professor McGonagall was coming to us with our new timetables. I took mine and compared it with Hermiones. We had the same one, like Harry and Ron.

Monday: two hours Transfiguration, two hours DADA, lunch break, two hours Potion and Arithmetic and Muggle lore.

Tuesday: Muggle lore, free period, two hours Charms, lunch break, two hours Herbs and Transfiguration.

Wednesday: two hours History, two hours Herbs, lunch break, two hours DADA and Arithmetic.

Thursday: first period free, one hour Potion, two hours Transfiguration, lunch break, two free periods and two hours Broom flying, at night Astronomy.

Friday: Two hours History, two hours Charms, lunch break, free period, Astronomy and two hours Potion. 

"Ok our first lesson is Transfiguration, lets go Hermione, or?", I said.

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