A million pecks on Can's LC

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Saturday, 10:15 am
Waiting in front of Can's house, I was feeling kind of excited, maybe nervous... Because since this is our first proper date , I want to make sure everything is going on smoothly..
There comes Can. How can be always look cute even though he is wearing a simple white and blue shirt with black pants 😻??? His hair is running down on his forehead and I can see that he is quite calm unlike me.
Wait.. I need to check myself
Put breath freshener -Yes
Wash my hair for twice-Yes
Put on my favorite perfume-Yes
Check any dirt s on my shirt-Yes
Okayyyyyy!!! Everything is perfect..
I get out of the car and approach toward Can..
Tin: Why did you come out early?
Can:Ou!! Should I get inside the house, then?? Of course, I saw your car outside my house waiting for about 45 mins.. Even though we agreed to meet at 11 ..
Tin:Sorry, I used to come early whenever I make an appointment with someone..
Can:Ai Tin, so what? This is an appointment for both of us?
Tin:(Tin touch Can's cheeks) No, this is different.. This is my first date with a person whom I love..
Can pouts cutely and keep whining about his mom not leaving any breakfast before going to work.. Tin always find it cute whenever Can acts that way..
No, this is happening again...
Tin give a million peck of kisses on Can's lips and the next moment, Tin's tongue were moving around Can's mouth, feeling Can's sweetness.. Knowing that Can was returning his kiss, it makes him want to kiss Can more passionately...
But trying to resist his feelings, Tin pull himself apart from Can's lips..
Can: Ai Tin, what's wrong???
Tin: No, it is just that...
Can: whattttt??? Dont tell me that my mouth is smelly.. I brush my teeth for twice this morning..
Tin:(how can be smell bad when I am craving for his lip's sweetness) Haha.. U know that you are cute when you act that way?
Tin touch Can's dimple 😵
Tin:come on, where do you want to go.. You are hungry, right???
Can:Hnmmm... How did you know that I was hungry?
Tin: you little cutest stupid, how can you forget easily when you talk about food a min ago?
How can Can always be cute like this? I hope he only act cute infront of me , not in front of his friends like those jerks (Ae, Pond) ...
I opened the door for Can and Can smile sweetly at me and sit inside...
Can: Let's go eat Pad Thai.. I am craving for it...
Tin:As you wish, my little cutie.. 😺 ...
Tin moves his hand slowly, towards Can's hand.. Can gripped Tin's hands and stare at Tim's face, realizing how hot he is when driving..
Can: Then let's move toward our destination... Let's goooooooo😈

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