The end

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Can’s POV

What is going on ?

       I asked and both Tin and the girl turned to me . Damn !! The girl looks foxy . She folded her hands and smirked at me , looking like she wants me to end my relationship with Tin .

“ Tin , what is going on ? I am not going to act crazy or do weird stuffs . Explain me the situation that I just saw .”

I have seen these kind of scenes on lot of movies and dramas . There would be misunderstandings between the actor and actress , the actress wouldn’t give chance to let the actor explain and break up . Yah , something could have gone wrong ..

“ I ..... want to break up with you ..”

“ what did u say “

“I said that .... I want to end our relationship. I have been playing with you all these times , it seems that you didn’t even notice it. You thought that I would really fall in love with a boy ? Huh? That’s crazy ... “

My mind went blank for a min . I was expecting that Tin would tell me that the girl lure him . Even though Tin said those words harshly , his eyes looks sad . Is something going on ? I can feel that something is wrong . This whole situation.. could it be Tin’s parents ? He once told me that his parents hate gays .

  But I don’t think that is the problem . I thought we have a unique bond , because we never have secrets and he even told me about his secrets , that he has never told others .

Fine ...... if that’s what he want , I am letting him go . I am not doing those weird stuffs like begging him or kneeling infront of him , just because I want to hold on him .

“ ok , we are done. Don’t you ever regret this , cuz our relationship is really done . “ I said to Tin , before turning my back on Tin and the girl .

8;45 am , cafeteria

Goshhhhh!!! I hate Frame . He makes me do all his works , while giving reasons like he is sick . I am just gonna do all these really quick , and go to football field .


The door opened and both Tin and the girl enter .

What are they even doing here ? Tin study at IC department, maybe the girl study here . I am just gonna finish all these works quickly . I can’t stand that girl and Tin flirting .

I hurriedly finish my works and grabbed my laptop and books , and walked out . I can feel that Tin is looking at me , on the corner of my eyes .


Damn !! It hurts .

“ I am sorry P ka . Are you okay ?” I heard a boy voice .

P.S: i am sorry for not uploading new episodes ... If u still want to read both TinCan and AePete fan fiction, pls follow the acc called " JudyMia5 " . The reason is i forgot my password for this account after changing into new phone . I will be uploading new episodes for both fan fiction , starting from next week Monday . Hope you enjoy it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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