Chapter Five

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Following inside after Leo, I go to the blue couch and sit next to Anna while Leo goes to the boys and Alissa, who are standing by the crates of empty boxes where I was previously. Erick's showing her the list I saw before, while Justin listens to what he's saying with his arms crossed. Leo stands beside Justin and whispers to him which makes him smile. Shaking his head, Justin pipes into the conversation with Erick and Alissa.

"Did Justin speak to you outside?" Anna asks, shifting my attention to her.

"Yes. He said he was sorry for not telling me before about him," I say which gains a smile from her. Aware that she knows about Nick and I's relationship, I don't tell her anything further. I can't. I know that it's wrong, to be kissing another man when I'm supposed to be dating someone else. But with Justin, always with Justin, I can't control my actions over my heart.

If Justin finds out about Nick and I's apparent relationship, he would go insane knowing I am speaking to Nick again after last time. Knowing that I accepted Nick's apology of killing Justin's closest friend out of anger and potentially hurting me makes me feel nauseous. What he did is horrible, but that didn't mean he couldn't change — which he did.

"Babe," I hear Justin call, making me turn to the group. I feel everyone's eyes on me, mostly Anna's — especially after hearing his nickname for me. He signals for me to come to them. Getting up, I walk over and welcome everyone with a smile. "This is Selena," he tells Alissa.

"Hi," she greets, smiling to me. "I'm Alissa. I work with Justin and Erick," she introduces.

"It's nice to meet you," I say. Feeling Justin's hand on my lower back, I smile at her.

"She's been working with us for as long as I can remember," Justin adds.

"If it wasn't for me, you guys wouldn't be here," she jokes, causing Justin and Erick to laugh. I notice Leo watching me cautiously.

"If it wasn't for me, none of you guys would be here," Justin teases, which Erick nods to. Alissa laughs and shakes her head. "But, really, thank you."

"For what?" I chime in.

"She helped us get him out of prison," Erick answers. Leo looks to me again and I make contact with him.

Justin removes his hand from my back. "How did you know we was here?" he asks Alissa, changing the subject.

"Anyone who knows you could take a guess, Justin." She chuckles. "Does anyone know about here?"

"Only the gang, but we're still sorting that out. After I left, they went and scattered to other places." She nods in response.

"We've found two. They're coming soon," Leo informs her.

"Come on, let me see this place properly," she tells Erick. Smiling proudly of his purchase, he begins to lead her to another area of the large warehouse with her following and attentively listening. Leo follows beside her, listening to the story Erick is telling. I watch them disappear behind piled crates before realising Justin's stare.

"What does she do?" I ask him, wanting to know more of their relationship.

"Finds us jobs, things like that," he brushes off. "I don't see her that much, but she heard about me and wanted to see how I was."

"I thought she was the one that helped you get out," I ponder.

"She helped Erick," he explains. Moving closer, he leans to my ear and whispers, "Leo said you're jealous."

I chuckle nervously. "That's not true. I don't even know her," I address.

"Babe, I know you. You're not a good liar, either." Laughing, he moves away from my ear and faces me.

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