Ch. 1 - The Birth of Death

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May 1, 2019.

Cordelia remembered what day it was – she returns to us, she thought. With excitement, she paced around and smiled. At midnight, the brink between Halloween and November 1, Michael Langdon had come to retrieve Misty Day's soul as fulfillment of her end of the deal. He had held her captive in the underworld, but he treated her like an absolute queen out of some twisted love for her. During their hellish wedding ceremony, Misty was given bloody wine and pomegranate seeds to consume to bind her to it, and him, forever. This one detail caused a lot of conflict between the Supreme and the Antichrist, so it came to be decided that Misty spend the spring and summer up in the mortal coil with her beloved sisters, and the autumn and winter down in the nether realms with Michael.

The Supreme, sitting along with Myrtle, Madison, Zoe, Coco, Mallory, and Queenie in the ancestry room thought for a moment about the seemingly eternal period of time Misty had been gone. Thanksgiving was not as joyous without her laughing and enjoying the meal before her, as she normally did. Christmas was not nearly as festive; New Years went by with merely a prayer that Michael was treating her well; and Cordelia was not religious by any means. Easter passed with a simple afterthought.

Life was not the same without their beloved White Witch.


"She's here," the Supreme said, springing up from her seat. Zoe and Mallory were the first to accompany their superior to the door. Upon opening it, an action which was done slowly, they saw Misty, the witch they were expecting. Cordelia's face lit up, paired with jovial tears, taking her into her arms tightly. Misty seemed to just collapse into the Supreme's arms, but Mallory was the first to notice something very different about her that Cordelia failed to. She seemed a bit wider around the waist and hips; the fine silk dress did a horrible job hiding it.

"Miss Cordelia," Mallory whispered. "Let her go for a minute."

"No, she just came back..." she said tearfully.

"I'm serious," Mallory repeated. "Let her go just for a minute. Look."

Finally obeying her command, the Supreme looked down and gasped. Through her ebony silk dress was a full-term pregnancy right before her eyes. Shaking with fear and anticipation, Cordelia rested her hand on Misty's swollen abdomen and felt way more than she could see. The newly-arrived Misty looked weakened and in desperate need of food. Underneath her palm, she could feel a peculiar swirling inside her womb.

"Y-You're.... pregnant..." Cordelia said with shock. It's a girl, she intuited.

"I...know," Misty said weakly. "I'm... starvin'. C-Can I eat?"

"You're full term..." the Supreme went on. "It's only been since November."

"We'll get you some food, Misty," Zoe said. "Come in right now."


Misty was sat down promptly at the dining table and given what seemed like a potluck of food. Myrtle, Queenie, and Zoe got as much as they could to make sure their sister witch was fed. They even heated up leftovers from dinner the night before and lined it all up for her to choose from as she sat. The first thing she grabbed was a turkey leg, which she devoured. When all of the meat and skin was gone, Cordelia and Mallory watched in horror as Misty bit down on the bones as well, crunching on every fragment. This was enough to trigger Mallory to speed to her side and put her arm around her.

"Misty, stop it," she said. "Slow down. You're going to choke."

The pregnant witch swallowed some of the turkey bones she chewed and wiped her mouth with the cloth napkin provided; "oh, I'm fine. I ain't chokin'. Like I said, they don't serve solid food in hell."

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