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Brian and I have been seeing each other for 3 months now. We aren't exclusive, but we spend every possible minute together. Currently, we are laying on my couch watching the old Batman movies. Brian's choice, which I had no complaints. I looked over at Brian and he looked back at me with a dorky grin. He was so happy when I agreed to watch these movies. I cuddled in closer to him, and he pulled me tighter against him. He kissed the top of my head and I quickly fell asleep. 

I woke up with Brian shaking me. I was screaming and crying. My entire body was covered in sweat. 

"What's wrong?" He asked me. There was a definite fear in his eyes.  I just kept crying as my entire body shook. 

"I'm so sorry," I whispered through sobs. He grabbed my face and made me look him in the eyes.

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong. I'm just scared, 'Brina." 

"I was really hoping that this wouldn't happen while you're around. I get night terrors. Flashbacks from when I was in the military. They usually get really bad around this time of year. Around the anniversary of Alex's death." I took a deep breath. "I thought that you would run away if you knew how fucked up I really am."

"Trust me, I know fucked up. And that's not you. I would never run away from you. You're the most important thing in my life now. You got that?" I nodded my head and he kissed me. I kissed him back and soon we were taking it to my bedroom.


The next morning I was getting ready to go visit Alex's grave. It was the anniversary of his death, and I needed to go see him. Much to my discomfort, Brian decided that he wanted to go. I'm not ready for him to know about Alex, but I guess this is as good a time as any. I went to my jewelry box and got my necklace out. I put it on and stared at it in the mirror. I sighed and put it under my top. I head Brian calling for me, so I went downstairs and we left to go to the cemetery. When we got out of the car, Brian came around and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers together. We started walking to Alex, a path that I know by heart. I let go of Brian's hand when I saw it and knelt down in front of his grave. I was crying and lightly touching the American flag that we put on his grave. Brian knelt down beside me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sabrina?" He said slowly. I turned to him. "Why is his last name Cooper too?" He asked me, already knowing the answer. I turned my head so I wasn't looking at him anymore. I ran my fingertips against the 'beloved husband' etchings on his gravestone.

"He was my husband."

^^Author's note: I'm sorry, I know this one is super short, but I'm sick and can't think enough to write more. I'm sorry!^^

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